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It's morning: Matthew is still at the hospital, he has come more up to sit in his bed, he is talking with his dad. Matthew: dad, where is my car? Paul: One of rescue people have sent your car to the car repair shop, so they can fix it. Matthew is coughing a little. The doctor comes in to see Matthew. Doctor: Hey. Matthew: Hey. The doctor examines Matthew's breathing and vision. Matthew feels bad when his eyesight must be investigated, he panics. Doctor: Don't worry, I'm here to help you. Matthew get's a little calmer. Doctor: Breathe quietly, it's gonna be okay. Matthew: Thanks. Doctor: How are you doing? Matthew: i'm very tired. Doctor: You probably need to sleep a little. Matthew: Maybe. Later: Matthew has slept little, he wakes up, Jackie is with him. Matthew: Hey, Jackie. Jackie: Hey, i told Susana about your car accident. Matthew: What did she say? Jackie: She wants to visit you. Matthew: Okay, when is she coming? Jackie: I don't know. Suddenly there is someone who comes in, and goes over to Matthew, he has missed. Susana: Hey, how are you? Matthew: Hey, i don't feel good. Susana: I heard about your car accident. Matthew: I wanted to talk with you, I suddenly got it bad when I was on the way over to you. Susana: It's okay, we can talk now. Matthew: No, I'm not feeling well. Susana: I hope that you soon feel better. Matthew: Thanks. Susana goes home. The doctor talks with Beth and Paul. Doctor: Matthew seems depressed. Paul: We already know that, and he get's help, at his school. Doctor: He panicked, when I was examining him. Paul: That's because of what just happened. Doctor: Yeah. Beth: He's been depressed for a long time, and he told me that he finally was about to get better, before the car accident. Doctor: Okay.

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