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At the school: Susana: Hey, how are you? Matthew: I feel better. Susana: That's good, what about me? Matthew: What about you? Susana: Do you still like me? Matthew: Yes, I like you, we are friends. Susana: That's not what I meant, I want you to be my boyfriend again. Matthew: It's not a good time, i can't be your boyfriend right now, i'm sorry, i like you, but i can't be with you, you need to give me time to think about it. Susana: Okay, i let you think about it. Matthew: Thanks. Later: At home: Beth: How are things at school? Matthew: It's fine. Paul: how is Susana? Matthew: She's okay, we're friends. Paul: That's good. Beth: How are you? Matthew: I'm about to get better. Beth: That's great to hear that, i'm happy about that. Matthew: Me too, I told Susana that I wanna think about, if I want to be her boyfriend again. Paul: And what do you want? Matthew: I need to talk with her, i have to drive over to her, I have to talk with her about It. Beth: Okay, be careful. Matthew: Okay, mom. On the way when Matthew drives over to Susana, he feels unwell, suddenly he sweats alot, but he drives carefully, and he does see that another car is coming, the car hits his car, and suddenly there is a car accident. Matthew is injured, he sits in his car, and suddenly everything becomes black for him.

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