Chapter One Hundred and Two: Bondfires I

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Wilbard's POV

In the suffocating embrace of despair, Wilbard felt as though the very air was being squeezed from his lungs. How had he allowed everything he held dear to slip through his fingers like grains of sand? His mate, his only friend, his very sense of self-all were now teetering on the brink of loss.

As he watched Imara turn and walk away, the weight of her departure crushed him, leaving him gasping for air. Clutching the necklace she had gifted him, he felt its weight in his hand-a tangible reminder of what he stood to lose. With each step she took, he felt himself unraveling further, the ache of losses gnawing at his insides.

Frantically seeking solace, he retreated to the solitude of his inner sanctum. Alone in the dimly lit chamber, he unleashed a primal cry of anguish, "Gahhhhhhhhhhhhaa!" each roar reverberating off the walls as he surrendered to the tumultuous emotions coursing through him.

In a frenzied outburst, he tore at the furnishings, overturning objects in a futile attempt to release the pent-up turmoil consuming him.

Amidst the wreckage, he collapsed, the echoes of his cries fading into the evening he grappled with the harsh reality of his own shortcomings. Yet, even in the depths of despair, a primal instinct took hold as he retreated to a corner of the chamber, beating his chest in a desperate attempt to reaffirm his identity.

As he beat his chest in a frenzy, memories of his darkest moments flooded his mind-the pain of loss, the sting of betrayal, the weight of his own actions. "I am, I am," he repeated, the words echoing through the torn space like a desperate plea for salvation.

Each resounding thud echoed through the empty space, a stark reminder of the trials and tribulations that had shaped him into the formidable ruler he had become, and forcing him to confront the truth of his own vulnerability.

Stripped bare of his defenses, he questioned his very essence, wondering if he was truly the strong and capable leader he believed himself to be. As he whispered those two simple words, "I am, I am," he knew that true redemption would not come easily, if it came at all.

In the dim light of his secluded sanctuary, Wilbard's belief in himself wavered, his whispered mantra of "I am, I am" barely audible over the tumult of his thoughts. With his hands clasped tightly to his head, he shook it in disbelief, unable to shake the weight of his doubts.

As he grappled with his inner turmoil, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling of distrust that gnawed at him. Despite his efforts to convince himself otherwise, he knew deep down that he still couldn't trust Imara, couldn't let go of his own desires.

The realization only added to his burden, as he foresaw the growing popularity of Imara and the sway she held over the hearts of others, including his own mate. What would he have to do, or face, to maintain his standing and status in the face of such overwhelming odds?

Each thought that crossed his mind seemed tainted, corrupted by the selfish desires that had become so ingrained within him. He had grown accustomed to putting his own needs above all else, no matter the cost or the consequences.

As he reflected on his past actions, he couldn't help but wonder when it had all started, when this insidious mindset had taken root within him. It was as if the darkness had seeped into his soul, twisting his thoughts and clouding his judgment until he could no longer see clearly.

He had become so entangled in his own web of selfishness and greed that he couldn't even recognize himself anymore. The lines between right and wrong had blurred, and he found himself adrift in a sea of moral ambiguity.

How had he allowed himself to become so lost, so consumed by his own desires? It was a question that haunted him, gnawing at the edges of his consciousness as he struggled to make sense of the chaos within him.

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