Chapter Three: A Bish in Camel Hump Valley

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As the realization dawned on me, my mind felt like a bomb had gone off, and all the pieces clicked into place. "Parker... Oh my, oh my, oh my! I'm in the beastmen world, and this is Parker from the novel. This is real life, not just some story! He's flesh and blood!" I stammered to myself, trying to process the surreal situation. While I should have recognized him when he morphed, seeing him in person was an entirely different experience.

And, truth be told, Parker was adorably handsome, his body a work of art, giving off a charming golden retriever vibe. I couldn't help but acknowledge his attractiveness, though I also found him immature. He's cute and all, but ain't nobody got time for Parker's antics, I thought, trying to maintain my composure.

Still gathering my bearings, I managed to stutter out, "I-I'm Imara." My heart pounded, feeling both flustered and put off by the unexpected encounter.

Parker looked at me and complimented, "What a pretty name." His blush only added to my bewilderment.

Hold up, wait a minute! Why is he blushing at me? I didn't get chased by no damn wolves, so what's going on here? Where is Bai Qingqing? I hope I ain't get replaced as her because —it ain't me, it ain't moi, it ain't she! My mind raced with confusion and annoyance, unable to fathom why Parker would be showing any interest in me.

Completely forgetting that I was drop dead gorgeous.

Not wanting to entertain any romantic notions from Parker, I didn't even bother saying thank you. Instead, I quickly got to the point, stating that I was lost and asked if he could take me to the valley. "I am lost, can you take me to the Valley?" I asked, trying to keep my emotions in check.

Parker's responded "Yes, of course! Hop on, and let's hurry to the Valley," he said. Morphing again, he transformed into an enormous beast, much larger than a regular-sized leopard. I was taken aback by his size, feeling a little uneasy as I got on with his help, nudging me forward with his snout.

As we set off, Parker moved at a medium pace, and despite his efforts to be gentle, the ride was uncomfortable. My thighs started to ache as we made our way to the Valley. This is not how I expected to travel, especially with someone like Parker, I mused, feeling the discomfort with every stride.

My heart raced with excitement and wonder as I stepped into the valley of Camel Hump. The scene before me was unlike anything I had ever imagined—a primitive yet harmonious settlement nestled between two mountain peaks, shaped like a camel hump. The stream flowing northward through the valley split into two parts, creating a picturesque canyon that added to the natural beauty of the place.

Along the foot of the mountains stood wooden houses, adorned with stray hay roofs, on both sides of the stream

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Along the foot of the mountains stood wooden houses, adorned with stray hay roofs, on both sides of the stream. The valley was a bustling mix of various majority Leopard beastmen. My eyes darted around, captivated by the surreal and captivating world that surrounded me. Among the beastmen, I noticed a sprinkling of other beastmen, including wolves, bears, and tigers, and all eyes were on me.

And gurl... oh, sweet mama, when I stepped into that Valley, it was like I hit the jackpot in the beastmen beauty pageant! I mean, seriously, I must've died and gone to heaven 'cause every single one of them was a fine piece of art. Some cute as hell, and others just, mmm, fine specimens of males. My eyes were on overdrive, trying to take it all in without looking like a total thirsty mess. Trust me, it was a sight to behold!

Parker morphed back into his human form, nonchalantly throwing his prey over his shoulder as he spoke to me with his usual arrogance. "I already have my own female that I'm pursuing. She's the only one in my eyes, so you're on your own from here," he said, his golden-brown eyes gazing at her with a sense of assurance. "There aren't any beasts as great as me, but I hope you find someone. You may look a little different, but you are pretty cute. However, my Bai Qingqing is the cutest."

I rolled my eyes mentally to myself. I felt a mixture of emotions as Parker's words registered in my mind. I had assumed he might try to claim me as his mate, but I was relieved to find out that wasn't the case. So I had stopped myself and had to put my own foot in my mouth.

I mustered a smile and replied, "Absolutely no problem, I can figure it out from here."

Now, let's talk about Miss Bai Qingqing. Bless her heart, but I gotta be real here – that girl's naivety is a recipe for disaster! Lord knows how many times she's put herself and others in danger with her indecisiveness when it comes to picking her mates or accepting more of 'em. To end up with four of them chile please!

Someone's gotta give her some pointers on making better choices, and well, that someone might just be me. That's if she accept my advice.

And let's not forget the golden ticket – she's the protagonist, and that means she's got some plot armor, honey. I've got knowledge, sure, but she's got the whole encyclopedia! So, I figure, if I wanna make it through this crazy beastmen world, having her as my cash cow of information might just be the smartest move I can make. Girl's got the keys and you bet I'm gonna use 'em to unlock the path I am going on.

You know, as much as I don't quite agree with some of Bai Qingqing's decisions, I gotta remember that she's just a young 16-year-old girl. Being thrown into a world full of desperate, strong depraved men, and she's got to figure out how to handle 'em.

"When you get the chance, can you bring her by to see me? For, I don't interact with a lot of females because they're so mean sometimes. "

Parker nodded and then I asked for directions to Harvey's Hut. He pointed to the left and said, "Go straight down this road. Harvey's Hut is the last one on the right." Thanking him again, I watched as he ran off towards his hut with his prey.

As I made my way towards Harvey's Hut, several beastmen approached me, each introducing themselves and expressing interest in becoming my mate. "Hi, female, you are so pretty. My name is Nicholas," said one. "I'm Frank," said another. "I'm Steve," added a third. I politely declined their advances, saying, "No, thank you," as I focused on my mission to find Harvey.

My heart was racing with excitement and nerves as I approached the hut. This is it, I thought, feeling a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. I knocked on the door, but there was no response. Nicholas, who had held my hand the whole way, offered, "He must have stepped out. You can stay at my place until he comes back, or we can wait here together."

Before I could reply, I saw a beastmen in a cream color robe walking up with a basket in his hand. My breath caught in my throat, and time seemed to slow down. It was Harvey, the love of my life from the story.

"There he is, Harvey, my love," I whispered...

Surprise! Extra chapter. I will post the next chapter on Friday.

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