Chapter Twenty Eight: Days at The Leopard Tribe Castle XII Big Girl Talk

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As we sat there, Harvey rocked me in solace, but my anxiety couldn't leave me alone. I mustered the courage and said, 'My love...' My voice wavered, and I coughed to steady it, then swallowed to gain some control.

"Hmm?" Harvey's reassuring presence was a comfort.

I felt my mouth go dry. I don't know why I was so nervous, but I was. 'I'm on birth control...' I admitted, and it felt like time had completely stopped.

Harvey's eyes widened in surprise. 'Birth control? Like the medicinal abortion soup we make for females who don't want babies by ferals or rootless beasts that kidnap them and impregnate them?'

I explained, 'No, birth control is more like taking a preventative soup. It makes it so you don't get pregnant. So, say a female gets kidnapped and unfortunately gets bred by a feral or rootless beast, the soup will prevent the sperm from the male being able to reach the egg within the female's body and fertilize it. So she will never get pregnant.'"

Harvey's expression was a whirlwind of emotions

I looked at Harvey and started to explain, "The DEPO shot is a type of birth control that you get as an injection. It contains a hormone called progestin that prevents pregnancy by stopping ovulation. It also thickens the cervical mucus, which makes it harder for sperm to reach the egg. Essentially, it creates a barrier to prevent pregnancy from happening."

"How long does it last?"

I replied, "The DEPO shot lasts for about 13 to 15 weeks, which is roughly the entire winter season here. After that period, I would need to get another shot to continue its effectiveness.

Harvey looked at me with a mix of emotions. He asked, "Why did you take the shot? Did something bad happen to you?" From the look on his face, I could tell he was thinking the worst, as he gripped my hands.

I reassured him, "No, nothing like that. It's just... Two years ago, I met someone and we dated for a while. I had told myself that once I really liked someone and we invested time into knowing each other, I would start taking birth control to regulate my body, just in case things progressed.

However, our relationship didn't work out. He didn't want to wait after dating for almost a year, and he stopped talking to me. I explained that I wasn't into casual dating or just hooking up; I wanted a genuine relationship. He seemed fine with it initially, but when he realized I was serious, he distanced himself.

I was a little disappointed because I genuinely liked him. It had been years since I dated, since I stopped dating at 21, then I met him and I was 26 at the time. But after that, I just never stopped taking the shot."

Harvey listened intently, concern etched across his face. As I finished explaining, he gently squeezed my hand and said, "I'm sorry you had to go through that, my love. I'm glad you took precautions to protect yourself. You deserve to be with someone who values and respects you."

I smiled, Harvey was too perfect for any world. Then I coughed again, I was really being a big girl for sure. I know I told myself that I would have a mature conversation and just say it, but it's very intense in reality.

"Ummm... a couple more things.." As I did a tensed smile and flashed all my teeth.

Harvey chuckled "Yes, go ahead."

"I...I...I...I wanted to know what type of form of preventative measure we could take when my birth control wears off while mating..."

Oh my God, I was dying on the inside, maybe I'm not mature enough because I just wanted to run and hide. I thought to myself.

Harvey was staring at me and I just felt myself flush, just put me out of my misery, why stare at me like that?! Awhooo! I cried to myself on the inside.

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