Chapter Twenty Two: Days at The Leopard Tribe Castle VI Unusual Friendship

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As we walked into the room, Parker was talking to himself in his sleep. "Qingqing, Qingqing..."

He seemed to be trying to sprint in his sleep. Harvey walked over because Parker was tearing his wounds open.

"Stay still, do you have a death wish?
Parker's eyes shot open, blazing golden and ferocious, and he pounced on Harvey, knocking him to the ground.

Growling, Harvey retaliated, growling back, "Wake up, you fool!" I stepped back, knowing it was going to happen but still feeling my heart thump.

Parker howled in confusion and said, "Harvey?"

Harvey pushed him in agitation, replying, "Yeah, now move and don't shift or your wounds will rupture."

Parker asked anxiously, "Where is Bai Qingqing?"

Harvey looked down, sadness in his eyes, and Parker could feel the swirl of emotions within him.

This was my cue to join in. I sat down next to Parker and touched his hand gently, moving his hair from in front of his face and behind his ear.

"Parker," I said softly, having a soft spot for him. "Bai Qingqing was taken by the feral snake."

Parker looked at me with despair in his eyes, and I felt his deep sadness.

Parker's POV

When I awoke from the dream where I was trying to pounce on the snake beastman and rescue Bai Qingqing, my mate, I found myself on top of Harvey, snarling in his face.

"Harvey?" I managed to utter before he pushed me away, his agitation evident. I asked urgently,

"Where is Bai Qingqing?"

Harvey's gaze dropped sadly, confirming my worst fears. She had been snatched away.

My heart ached with turmoil. I had to find her and bring her back. She must be frightened, cold, and hungry out there.

That's when I felt a gentle touch on my hand, as her fingers swept across my face, accompanied by a soft, comforting voice.

The scent that surrounded her was like a reminder of home - my mother's breast milk, my childhood days with my brothers, vying for our mother's attention.

I looked up to see Imara, looking breathtakingly beautiful and emanating a sense of calm.

Her presence somehow soothed me, but then she uttered words that sent me spiraling back into hell

"Bai Qingqing was taken by the feral snake" and to a memory - a day etched vividly in my mind...

I was returning home with a catch of prey, a lamb that I had caught for Harvey and Imara. I was paying my debts, for them staying with Bai Qingqing.

However, my mood was irked by a comment Bai Qingqing had made about her outfit, and I couldn't help feeling a pang of irritation. I knew I wasn't skilled at sewing like that, but it still gnawed at me.

Then, the situation worsened. Imara offered Bai Qingqing an outfit that Harvey could make for her, inadvertently highlighting my own inadequacies.

It was like a declaration to the world that I wasn't enough, and jealousy consumed me.

It wasn't difficult for anyone to see how deeply Imara cared for Harvey. The way she sang to him - a melody we could all hear during their walks together - was a clear indication.

Her focus was solely on him, and she eagerly displayed her best self around him. Their teamwork was seamless, and their communication seemed far more better than between Bai Qingqing and me.

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