Chapter Hundred and One: Clash of Loyalties: What an Ultimatum!

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After Wilbard's declaration of cutting our so-called friendship off, and accusation of me scheming, I couldn't help but scoff, utterly flabbergasted by his audacity.

Placing my hands firmly on my hips, I looked down at him, shaking my head in disbelief.

"How can you cut off something you never truly invested in to begin with? Unlike you, I don't got to play games with others, I keep it real and I sleep real good at night." I chuckled.

His expression shifted from defiance to discomfort, his jaw tightening as my words struck a nerve. He swallowed hard, a flicker of anger flashing in his eyes but there was nothing he could say, he knew deep down that her accusation held weight, and there was no denying the truth in her words.

"You say name a few disrespects? Gladly, here you go," I retorted, my voice dripping with sarcasm as I prepared to lay out the litany of grievances I had against him.

"Do you think I missed any of the cues and things you've been doing since we met each other?" I challenged, my voice tinged with frustration as I confronted Wilbard.

I shook my head in disbelief, as I chuckled, my hands clenching into fists at my sides as I recounted the ways he had invaded my privacy and manipulated my trust.

"The snooping on my daily life? by sending the tigers and wolves? I said nothing. Or how you sent Shugh to come up to me, watch over me, befriend me, to assess me to see whether I was a threat or not? Hmm?"

My words came out in a rush, each one carrying the weight of betrayal and deceit that had festered between us. As I shook my hands in frustration, my vision blurred with anger, unable to contain the torrent of emotions swirling inside me.

His eyes widened in surprise, but I refused to back down, my determination driving me forward.

"Oh, don't look surprised now," I continued, my voice rising with each word. "You thought I didn't know? Even though this whole time I've been nothing but on your side? Hmm?"

Closing the distance between us, I pushed him forcefully, watching as he staggered back in shock. The physical contact served as a release for the pent-up tension that had been building inside me, a tangible expression of the betrayal I felt.

As I staggered back, bewildered by Imara's revelation, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease creeping into my mind. How did she know about that or Shugh?

And why is she so strong? She hadn't used her mate strength to push me; females typically weren't strong enough to push a male without it.

I grappled with the implications of her knowledge. As the King of this city, it was my duty to know all that transpired within its walls. How could I trust her based solely on her words? In my experience, no female could be trusted; I trusted no one.

Her offer of friendship seemed too convenient, too easy. I had to see for myself what her true intentions were. So, I dispatched Shugh to interact with her and report back with all his findings. It was a precautionary measure; nothing in this world came without strings attached, and I refused to be caught off guard.

He was my next course of action since her males appeared to keep the ones I sent away. Initially, I assumed her males deterred potential suitors, believing they had a chance to become her mates.

However, it seems they were aware of my plans. How? Imara's knowledge of my intentions left me puzzled. How could she be aware of my plans? Doubts crept in, casting a shadow over her credibility.

Wilbard maintained a stoic facade, his expression unreadable as he grappled with Imara's accusations. Internally, doubts and suspicions gnawed at him, but he refused to let them show.

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