Chapter Eighty: Thrilling Educational Girl Talk

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I said, "Well let me explain some things besties, and show you a better side to your sex life." As I smiled like a wicked Cheshire Cat.

"So, let me explain foreplay, which is the build-up to intimacy. It involves various actions and can be the pathway to sexual activity or mating, as you refer to it.

Foreplay encompasses a range of activities, starting with kissing. There's regular kissing, which can be on various parts of the body, including intimate areas.

However, it's important to note that kissing doesn't always lead to sexual activity.

Sometimes it's purely for affection and bonding, with no sexual intentions. You'll naturally sense the context and vibe.

That's something that isn't unfamiliar to you all for sure.

For instance, I often exchange kisses with my mates in the morning or during moments of preparation for the day.

Similarly, we ladies share kisses on the cheeks as a way to express our affection and friendship.

These gestures of affection strengthen our emotional connections and demonstrate love and care for one another.

As an example, I walked over and kissed Katie on the forehead, and she giggled and smiled.

Then I walked back to the center of the floor and grabbed a long body pillow and a chair.

Then there's passionate kissing, which includes using your tongue. Just like regular kissing, it can be part of normal intimacy or signify a deeper connection. It depends on the situation and your instincts.

Now, let's talk about intimacy itself, which can be categorized into four aspects: emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual.

Often, it involves a combination of these aspects, and you'll learn to recognize which one is most prominent in any given situation."

The girls were all paying close attention, including Qean and Bai, who seemed to be secretly interested. This knowledge would empower them to seek pleasure and satisfaction when the time was right, hopefully when Bai was more mature and ready for it.

May nodded and seemed to be processing the information. As I continued to educate them, I said, "Now, this type of kissing is a gentle and very passionate experience, but it's important to keep it under control.

You don't want saliva everywhere; that's not appealing. During this process, it's natural to touch each other wherever feels comfortable.

Don't stress it, you may feel a little awkward if it's a new experience, but I promise you just go with the flow, your male is loving the reciprocation and vice versa.

I demonstrated by rubbing up and down the pillow, and I said, "And Katie you can reach down and get your hands on that booty."

As I squeezed the fake booty of the pillow the girls giggled and Katie said with a wink, "Oh you already know I am."

I smiled and continued, "You can even sit on his lap." I demonstrated by pulling the chair up, and sitting on the large pillow, "and grind," causing the girls to blush.

"You can also try different positions, like sitting sideways," I swung my legs over the chair, caressing the pillow.

"lying down, or even standing up – it doesn't matter. The key is to let things progress naturally to the level you're both comfortable with.

As you engage in this kind of kissing, it sends signals throughout your body. You might feel tingles, chills, a sensation like a shock, warmth, or even numbness in various parts – your breasts, nipples, honey pot, hands, arms, thighs, fingers, toes, or scalp.

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