Chapter Sixty Four: Not What I Intended.

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As I rested my head in Gabriel's embrace, trying to make sense of the recent events, my thoughts were racing at full speed.

What on earth just occurred? I may have been teasing with the Ape King, but it was harmless. I wasn't considering him as a potential mate - that's not even feasible since he already has a mate.

Despite their current challenges, they love each other, and my aim isn't to interfere but to foster a friendly connection, so he views me and my family as allies, not threats, in the future.

Not to be staring into each other's eyes and shit. I mentally slapped myself for gazing into his eyes and holding hands - what the hell was I doing?

Disappointment and disgust seeped into my bones. I am not that kind of woman, and I won't let myself become one. I usually pride myself on having self-control.

Finding him attractive aside, offering friendship shouldn't have led to that. I need to ensure interactions stay clear from such situations.

And seriously, not to throw all the blame on him, but don't mated males have more resolve? What the heck was he doing? I sighed to myself.

Imara, get your head together. I might not have the best thoughts about Qin, his mate, but I'm not here to disrespect her like that.

I held onto Gabriel even tighter while my mind and feelings swirled with thoughts of utter disgrace about my actions. I focused on the beat of Gabriel's heart, trying to soothe my thoughts.

Gabriel rubbed my head. I looked up into his eyes, and he asked, "Are you okay? Did you get what you wished for?"

That made me feel even worse about myself. I replied, "Yes, I did. Thank you," smiling an empty smile.

He gave me a questioning look and stated, "We can discuss it later. Let's go for now."

I nodded. Turning to Harvey, I took his outstretched hand, and he gently pulled me closer. Planting a kiss on my forehead, he murmured, "We'll navigate through this together."

A pang hit my heart, and tears welled up, but I swiftly wiped them away. I'd confront those emotions later; right now, I had tasks to accomplish, and my focus needed to be on that.

I informed Bai Qingqing that we were heading to the market to select a prime location and that we would meet her back at the house after she completed her to-do list.

As we navigated through the market, there were numerous items on display for trade and various locations to choose from. Both males and females were engrossed in their daily activities.

Once we settled on a spot, Harvey inquired, "When would you like to set up the stall to sell items?"

I suggested, "Let's set it up before the Bonfire Banquet later in the day. Many females might not be able to attend because they lack underwear, and I can sell them some.

We can also pitch classes from there to start assisting the city, similar to what we did in Camel Hump."

Harvey responded, "That's a wonderful idea."

As we reached the heart of the city, there were circular areas with roads leading to each castle.

I approved, "This is the perfect spot. People will come down these roads to the Ape King's castle, and they'll see us way before reaching there. We can focus on selling from here, which won't be hard."

Harvey and the guys began setting up the stalls - about three of them - so we only had to carry the items down on the wagon.

After some time of working, we went home to check in on Bai Qingqing and Parker. She was hanging up noodles on a makeshift rack, and Parker was pushing this device that was breaking down the branches and extracting oil from it.

Imara Diversifies The Beastmen WorldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin