Clarity for Chapters 63-64

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The last two chapters have brought a lot of controversy, which is okay because not every chapter is meant to be liked or every action is meant to be right.

*Inserts meme* I want problems always! Lol 🤣

But I do want to clarify a couple of things because now I'm even getting inboxes. And those inboxes are not the problem, or the context but I realize I need to address some generally drawn conclusions that are becoming frequent. I owe that to my besties.

*Bestie Intervention Commences*

Help is on the way dearrrr lol 😆.  Me and my tiktok antics lol.

So I need to bring a tad bit of clarity of understanding, which you may or may not agree with, but these are the facts of the story.

Imara did not feel like it was a problem to be having harmless teasing with Wilbard he's a mated male and it's really not a problem.

She was just trying to create a friendly vibe because he's a very serious and dangerous man.

She genuinely does want friendship with him.

👉🏾Now, the problem came in when the teasing turned into such an intimate space. 👈🏾 🧐😲

That's when she started to feel bad because nobody is foolproof when it comes to emotions including her. 😮‍💨

She thought mated males had more resolve until she was told differently by her mates. Including herself so now she like wait a minute! 😟

Now, many may feel, how come she didn't know that?  She's not going to remember everything about the story. Sometimes she remembers as the situation is going on or as she's trying to plan things out.

But to remember every detail of the story is impossible. And some things have to be triggered through other people for her to remember.

So that's why in the next chapter she recalled instances of mated males or males who liked others females having less resolve. 🤔 😯

Now, what I will put on the table as the truth is that she does know the privileges of being pretty and she is going to utilize that as she should. 💅🏽

But here are a couple of no's that I need to bring out.

No, there will not be any cheating involved. 😒

No she not trying to take Qin man. 🫸🏾

No she is not trying to make him pick her or Qin 🫸🏾

No they will not get sexually frisky. 🫸🏾

Don't do our girl like that. ✋🏾 Imara is better than that and it's quite offensive for people to put such characteristics on a justice-filled character we know her to be. 🤨

That's why she said, yes, she might have been teasing him, but she wasn't here to be disrupting his relationship with his partner. That's not the plan. 😖

However, what she failed to realize is that Wilbard is a neglected mated male. So his actions reflected that. 😔

And as a spoiler alert, she actually hopes to mend and build the relationship between him and Qin 🤞🏽🫶🏾

And also, I'm in agreement with everyone else. What type of friendship is this? That's why I was commenting what I felt as well. Because I couldn't put those comments in the story, so I comment as a reader as well. So what everyone else was feeling about, hey, yooo? I'm feeling the same.

Emotions are fickle and easy to build upon a person. You really have to put a mind over matter when it comes to that. That's something all of them will have to face in this story. 😮‍💨

Her mates, well most of them I will say, doesn't have a problem with who she wants as a mate. They just realized that she felt uncomfortable being seen in that situation like that. And so they wanted to help her out.

Now in regards to Gabriel, though she is in a polygamous relationship, she never practiced polyandry until she got there. So though in mind it isn't a problem for her, 👉🏾 what it was for her was a tad bit uncomfortable to be laying in her man's lap while getting ready to kiss her other man. 😵‍💫😵

She has to build up to that level of comfortability. 😮‍💨🤧

Now, when it comes to comments and inboxes, I don't mind them. And I really don't mind the context either because I like interchange, especially on the story that I am writing.

And I think debates are healthy, for sure, because we're getting to understand each other. Learn about each other and grow as a community between author and reader. I love those things. 😄

And so, once I start getting a lot of context like that, I did want to comment on it overall for that reason.

I do not discourage anyone to comment how they feel, as they feel, as long as it's respectful and tactful.

Besties out, Love ya 🫶🏾💜

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