Chapter Thirty Two: Improving Camel Hump

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By the time I woke up, Harvey had set out my hair products and brushes, along with an outfit, which brought a smile to my face. It seemed I'd slept in pretty late. I suppose being back in a familiar place put me at ease. After freshening up and getting dressed, I stepped out.

The kitchen cabinets were installed, there was food simmering on the stove at a low heat, and Harvey was outside, talking to the guys. I served myself some stewed meat and veggies, and as I did, I marveled at the smooth, neat countertops. I still can't fathom how he does it. After finishing my meal, I tidied up and went outside.

"Good afternoon, my love, and hello, guys," I greeted. They all returned the greeting with warm smiles. They are just so cute.

"Good morning, Imara," the guys chimed in.

"So, what are you all up to?" I inquired."

Harvey informed me that they had begun working on the items I needed. I noticed my sketch pad in his hands. "You should have everything you need to make the soaps and hair supplies,' he said. 'I petitioned for apprentices, and all the guys signed up, plus one more.'

'That's wonderful, guys! Congratulations!' I clapped, and they were over the moon, tails just swinging away.

'I'm planning to break us up into groups. One will start on the hair brushes, combs, underwear, and the wagon. The others will help collect materials for the harness, our bed, cotton, capturing animals, collecting produce, and gathering building materials for the smoker you had in mind.'

'Wow, you seem to have thought of everything. What about your training and apprenticeship?'

'I'm dedicating this week before my training to make as much as we can to sell. I've already talked to the guys about watching over you on the days I'm gone with James for training. John and Steve will guard you. Frank and Nicholas will provide for your needs.

Also, I'll be starting my apprenticeship tomorrow. It will be for a few hours every morning, so you can sleep in. I know you don't really like waking up early, even though you never complain. It be all over your face.'"

In my head, I heard my mother's voice saying, 'You don't have to say anything Imara; it's all over your face.' Sigh, it seemed I still hadn't fixed that habit.

"You're quite efficient, and, well... sexy," I said, fanning myself playfully. Harvey and the guys blushed beet red, which only made me giggle like a fool.

"So, where are the supplies, and who will be staying with me until everyone comes back?"

Harvey explained, "Frank and Nicholas will be on the side of the house crafting the combs and such. Steve, John, and I will be out scavenging. Plus the supplies are in the kitchen cabinet."

To show my appreciation, I sauntered over to Harvey. It seemed like the guys got the memo, as they broke into teams and went about their duties.

As I approached him, I put my hands around his neck and looked into his eyes. "You make me so happy, my love," I said, and he just melted. Then, I kissed him like it was the last time I was going to see him, pouring every ounce of emotion I had into it.

I ran my hands through his hair and then touched his ears, causing him to twitch. 'Ah,' he murmured. I smiled against his lips, then peppered his face with kisses. 'You're so amazing, my love,' I cooed. That was just some love for all that you do."

Harvey sighed, with a smile gently kissing my hands as he whispered, "And I will continue to do everything for you." He then quickly morphed, mindful of the workload ahead.

I watched him leave, then I checked on the guys on the side of the house. They had baskets with wood and fibers to create the brushes and combs.
So I approached and said, "Hey guys, mind if I join you? I want to make the supplies I need out here."

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