Chapter Seventy Six: She's Out Of Her Milieu II

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Credits to Ice_Sun_92 for helping me with Qean name. Thank you bestie 😚 love you! 💞

Bai, ever the gracious host, welcomed Qean with a warm smile. "We're glad you decided to join us, Qean. I'm sure you'll find it enjoyable," she said, extending a friendly vibe.

As Qean took in the scenery of my backyard, her eyes roamed over its carefully arranged comforts.

The lounge chairs by the back door, the plush shed under the tree, the inviting fire pit and surrounded potted plants, the low kotatsu coffee table with its expansive rug, and the two fur-pillowed low lounge chairs all contributed to an atmosphere of relaxed luxury.

The running pond added a final touch of tranquility to the setting.

Noticing her interest, I suggested, "Why don't you have a seat here at the table?" guiding her towards the inviting setup. Harvey, ever attentive, placed an assortment of fruits, nuts, and water nearby for easy access.

Qean settled into the chair, then suddenly asked in a loud voice, "What animal hide is this I'm sitting on?!"

I replied casually, "Wolf, but it's been stuffed with cotton to make it softer. Isn't it nice?"

She folded her arms, her initial suspicion giving way to reluctant acceptance. "Your place is filled with such strange things," she remarked, though her posture betrayed her growing comfort in the seat.

Watching her, I smiled to myself, thinking, 'She's going to be a lot of work.' Qean's strong personality and apparent skepticism of the unfamiliar were going to make her integration into our group an interesting challenge. But I was up for it. It was these unique personalities and dynamics that made our community so vibrant and compelling.

As Qean began to relax more into the setting, it became clear that despite her initial reservations, she was intrigued by our way of life. Her presence, while initially imposing, was slowly adding a new layer of depth to our gathering.

I turned to Shugh and instructed, "Let her know about the things she might ask about." I knew Qean's curiosity would inevitably lead to a myriad of questions, and Shugh seemed well-suited to handle her inquiries. With him in place, I returned my focus to the volleyball game.

Gathering everyone's attention, I re-explained, "This game is called volleyball. Each team needs to keep the ball afloat. If it hits the ground on one side, the other team wins a point. The first team to reach 10 points wins the game."

The game kicked off amidst much enthusiasm. It was competitive yet hilarious, especially seeing how the guys were initially hesitant to pass the ball too hard or even at all to us, fearing they might hurt us. But we quickly showed our mettle, holding our own and fully engaging in the game.

Meanwhile, Qean was a whirlwind of activity in the yard, with Shugh dutifully by her side, explaining everything to her. She seemed to think we weren't paying her any attention, but her every move was subtly observed by us between volleys and laughs.

The juxtaposition of our intense game and Qean's exploratory journey around the yard with Shugh created a lively and dynamic atmosphere. It was fascinating to watch her slowly shedding her initial aloofness, her intrigue about our world growing with each new discovery.

At three points into the game, I turned to Qean with an invitation. "Qean, would you like to try?" I asked, curious to see her reaction.

She spun around, caught off guard by my suggestion, her snooping momentarily interrupted. "I don't like to sweat," she replied haughtily. "It's better for a male to do it for me, and the point will still count."

Seizing the opportunity for a bit of playful banter, I joked, "Okay, it looks like she's not confident she can score a point, Bai, but don't worry about it. Not everything is for everybody."

Qean's reaction was immediate and fiery. Striding up to me with determination, she retorted, "Hmph, I bet I can do it even better than you. You all move slower than me in the water because you don't have the skills to navigate it." With that, she stepped into the water.

And truth be told, Qean glided through the water with a grace and ease that surpassed us all. It must have been her mermaid traits at play, but I kept that observation to myself. What mattered was that she had joined the game, a small victory in itself.

Qean's initial attempts at volleyball were less than successful. The first time I passed her the ball, she set herself up confidently, but her shot missed, the ball splashing into the water. A hush fell over the group, everyone unsure of how to react.

When she tried again with the same result, Bai couldn't help but snicker.

I playfully pinched Bai's arm, trying to stifle my own laughter. "Don't laugh, Bai, be good sweet pea," I whispered, though my own amusement was hard to hide.

Frustrated, Qean exclaimed, "Something must be wrong with this ball!" She threw it down, ready to storm off.

Acting quickly, I grabbed the ball and gently took hold of her arm.

"Don't give up, Queen," I encouraged her, moving behind her to help with her stance. "It's all in the legs and hips," I guided her, noticing her flushed face.

"Focus, eyes on the ball."She nodded, visibly trying to concentrate. "Okay, toss it up and... now hit!" I instructed. This time, she connected perfectly, sending the ball soaring past Muirmore.

I immediately started cheering, "You did it, Mrs. Ape Queen!" and signaled for everyone else to join in.

Qean, somewhat mollified, retorted with a triumphant, "I told you so, hmph!"

Her success seemed to invigorate her, and as the game resumed, Qean played exceptionally well, her movements in the water were almost eerily creepy smooth. Our team eventually won the game, and Qean clearly felt she was a significant contributor to the victory.

She walked off the makeshift court, declaring she needed a rest. We let her enjoy her moment of triumph, not challenging her inflated sense of contribution.

Her newfound enthusiasm and competitive edge had indeed changed the dynamics of the game, making it more challenging and exciting for all of us.

As Qean settled down to rest, the atmosphere was one of satisfaction and enjoyment. The day had turned out to be not just fun, but also a moment of bonding and seeing each other in a new light.

Watching Qean immerse herself in the game, she was practically glowing and I couldn't help but ponder her past. It struck me that her life within the Mermaid clan might have been devoid of such simple pleasures.

I imagined her confined to a seashell, pampered yet restricted, never truly experiencing the joys and fun of life.

A sense of sadness washed over me as I realized how her upbringing under the constant pressure of 'preserving the race' bullshit must have stifled her. It made sense why she yearned for escape, for a taste of freedom and unscripted curiosity.

As we sat relaxing, Qean casually removed her top garment, revealing a crop top with a deep v-cut. My eyes inadvertently drifted to her chest, and I found myself taken aback.

There was no mate mark....

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