Chapter Twenty Nine: Days at The Leopard Tribe Castle XIII Pinky Promise

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It was a heartwarming sight to wake up in Harvey's embrace, his eyes fixed on mine. I couldn't help but wonder if he'd stayed up all night, thoughts swirling in his head just as they did in mine. We'd ventured into deep territory, and even though he assured me, a trace of anxiety lingered. I feared that my reservations about having children had left a mark on him, that he believed I truly didn't want them.

In truth, the idea of becoming a parent didn't fill me with unbridled joy, but I found myself dreaming about them, envisioning little ones with a mix of features-blonde hair, eyes of blue and brown, chocolate babies, and one that was unmistakably all Harvey.

It felt like a warm glow inside, imagining that these little lives could one day be a part of our world. I realized that, in time, I did look forward to it.

Before I could voice my thoughts, Harvey greeted me with a tender "Good morning, my love" showering my face and lips with gentle kisses and massaging my temples. Which made me melt, what a lovely thing to wake up to, I cherished it deeply.

"My love, my breath stinks," I chuckled, trying to shield my mouth from more kisses.

"No, it doesn't," he protested, nipping at my hand playfully, determined to continue his affectionate assault. We playfully wrestled, and I was losing, Harvey is very strong naturally, his kisses landing all over my face and lips, each one sending warmth through me.

"Baby, nooo, it's stinky! heeheeee" I protested, laughing, as I tried to evade his attentions. I nearly escaped, but he caught my foot, pulling me back down.

"No, it's not. It smells light, like air. I'm not lying," he insisted, his playfulness infectious. He continued, kissing and peppering any part of my skin he could get to with affectionate gestures. "You smell good all the time," he murmured sweetly.

As he reached my stomach, I squirmed, ticklish just about everywhere but particularly sensitive there.

"Aheehee, okay, nooo, it tickles!" I giggled, feeling his breath dance over my stomach, accompanied by playful pinches and sniffs.

"Nooooo, ahhhheee!" I couldn't hold back my laughter, and I lunged at him, landing on top with a triumphant grin, Harvey now beneath me.

"Hmmph! No more kisses until I freshen up, you bad boy," I exclaimed. As I tried to get up, Harvey pushed his knees up, causing me to fall forward. He caught me and kissed me again.

"Youuu bad boy! Ah!" I giggled as he pinched my love handles and playfully licked my face. We wrestled and our laughter filled the room. The morning sun shone through the window, casting a warm glow. After our playful tussle, we settled into each other's embrace, looking at each other with hearts full of love and joy.

"Your breath doesn't stink though, I'm really not lying." As I took in his words, I tried to smell my breath, and I didn't detect anything unpleasant, which was surprising.

Also, I didn't notice any odor after breaking a sweat wrestling with Harvey. It occurred to me that I didn't wear any deodorant in a while and never smelled myself. Which was odd, maybe it was this world, it is free from the chemicals, sprays, and processed foods that I was used to.

The water here is unpolluted too. I even seemed to have lost a bit of weight despite not missing any meals. My skin cleared up and I had more energy too. It had to be the natural environment.

"I guess you're right," I said. He leaned forward and gave me a gentle kiss. "Told you," I giggled, and we began to get ready for the day.

Harvey suggested he drop me off with Queen Memi while he and the guys handled moving our belongings outside for our upcoming travel back home, and I agreed.

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