Chapter Two: A Strange Reality

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I woke up to the bright morning light, only to find the same overwhelming scenery I had seen yesterday – a flourishing forest filled with towering trees, a smooth-flowing stream, and the sounds of wildlife. I couldn't believe this was my reality now; it felt more like a bizarre dream than anything else.

Come on, gurl, why couldn't this just have been a bad dream? This is not reality right now, this is, like, so fake. How in the world did I really end up here? This is the last thing I need, I muttered to myself, trying to process the strange situation.

Feeling slightly fatigued and my back achy from the uncomfortable ground and restless sleep, I decided to get up and assess my surroundings. The wind kept blowing my little flimsy tent down. I even had to add more twigs and leaves, and I broke off some of the roots since they were so freaking big and put them in the fire in the ground.

Emerging from my makeshift shelter, I was immediately on high alert. I scanned my surroundings, checking for any signs of danger or threats lurking in the shadows. I even looked up at the tree I had taken refuge under, ensuring there were no hidden surprises waiting above.

Once I deemed it safe, I made my way towards the stream, feeling the need to freshen up and wash away the remnants of a sleepless night. My survival bag had come in handy again, providing me with the basic necessities to clean myself up. As I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable being out in the open. I yearned for some privacy amidst the vast wilderness.

Thankfully, I found a small nook among a group of rocks that resembled the entrance to a hut, but the rocks were arranged in a way that allowed me to be concealed from view. It was no grand dwelling, but it was enough to give me a sense of privacy and safety. The space was not more than 3 feet long and 5 feet wide, but surprisingly tall enough for me to stand in or sit down comfortably.

Using a bowl from my backpack, I filled it with water from the stream and retreated to my little rock hideaway to wash up. My clothes weren't excessively dirty, but a quick rinse helped me feel a bit more refreshed. After washing up and putting my clothes back on, I returned to my shelter, where I pulled out some food from my backpack.

With a deep sigh, I reached into my backpack and pulled out a jumbo slim jim and some trail mix, along with my trusty water canister. Breakfast was a simple affair, but it provided the sustenance I needed to start my day in this strange forest.

Feeling a renewed sense of determination, I decided to follow the stream downstream, hoping it would lead me to some form of civilization or a way out of this vast forest. I didn't mind turning back if it led to a waterfall cascading over a cliff; at least then, I would know I was moving towards the heart of the forest rather than its outer edges. My hope was that I might come across signs of human presence or some form of guidance.

I kept a safe distance from the water to avoid startling any animals that might be drinking from it. "Better to give them their space. I ain't tryna have no unexpected animal encounters today," I reasoned, not wanting to mess with the locals.

As I walked, I spotted some strange-looking fruit, but I decided not to risk trying it, considering my current stressful situation. I had enough food with me, and I didn't want to eat something potentially harmful. Besides, I couldn't focus on fruit right now; my mind was preoccupied with trying to make sense of this otherworldly experience.

"God, please, I'm not the strongest soldier. End this test and bring me back," I spoke aloud in a moment of desperation and frustration.

But my plea seemed to go unanswered as a massive centipede crossed my path – a centipede the size of my arm, like something out of a prehistoric movie.

Oh hell nawl! This ain't no regular centipede; it's on some King Kong type shit! I gasped, my heart racing in terror. It sent shivers down my spine, and I was both disgusted and terrified. This couldn't be real!

I can't with these extraterrestrial prehistoric creatures. Spiders are a no-go, and centipedes are an absolute hell to the nawl!

I tried my best not to scream, not wanting to alert any other creatures that might be lurking nearby. But the sight of the gigantic centipede solidified my fear that I was no longer on Earth – or at least not in any familiar place. The bizarre forest, the irony of having a survival bag, the massive trees, and now this colossal centipede made me seriously question my reality.

"If I've transmigrated, I don't want to deal with giant bugs and dinosaurs!" I exclaimed, my anxiety reaching its peak. I'm not cut out for this kind of test!
The thought of facing such monstrous creatures pushed me to the brink of my sanity. "I can't handle this, God, please!" I pleaded, feeling overwhelmed, terrified, and completely out of place.

With my heart still pounding and my mind racing, I resumed my journey through the strange forest, determined to find a way back home. As the captivating beauty of the wilderness surrounded me, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of a wild adventure – an adventure I never signed up for but had no choice but to face.

My heart raced as I followed the stream, unable to shake the memory of that monstrous centipede from my mind. To reassure myself, I pulled out my handheld mirror, inspecting my skin for any signs of bites or rashes. Finding nothing unusual, I sighed with relief, dismissing the possibility of hallucination and continued on my journey.

As I followed the stream, it eventually led me to a large lake-like area shaped irregularly. On the other side, I spotted a hiking trail, and my heart filled with excitement. I quickened my pace and confirmed that it was indeed a well-traveled road, possibly leading to the back of the cabins or some other facility. I hoped that I was getting closer to civilization and other people.

With hope in my heart, I took out my phone to check for any signals, but, as expected, there was none. The lack of signal didn't deter me, and I put my phone away, determined to continue my journey towards possible help and safety.

Suddenly, I heard a snap, and my whole body tensed up. My eyes darted to the source of the noise, and my breath caught in my throat. There, standing before me, was what appeared to be an abnormally large leopard, with a dead deer in its mouth. Panic surged through me as I tried to rationalize what I was seeing.

A leopard? What the hell is a leopard doing out here? This can't be real! I'm supposed to be in California, not Skull Island with King Kong and them! I thought, my mind reeling

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A leopard? What the hell is a leopard doing out here? This can't be real! I'm supposed to be in California, not Skull Island with King Kong and them! I thought, my mind reeling.

I desperately tried to calm myself, recalling stories I had heard about predators not bothering potential prey after they had eaten. "Maybe it won't bother me. It already has food, right?" I whispered to myself, clinging to hope. But then, to my disbelief, the leopard dropped the deer carcass and morphed into a human naked and swanging before my eyes.

Bitch, please! This can't be happening, I thought, my disbelief now mingling with bewilderment.

The human-like figure tied a rag around its waist, approaching me with an air of reassurance. "I won't hurt you. Why are you out here by yourself? Where are your mates? Are you lost?" the person asked in a deep, resonant voice. My jaw went dry, and I struggled to find my voice, unsure of what I was dealing with.

In awe and fear, I observed the stranger's features. He had two stripes one on both sides of his face, and short curly golden hair, with captivating golden brown eyes. My mind raced as I tried to place the familiarity in his appearance. He reminds me of someone, but who? I pondered, my mind still grappling with the surreal situation.

"My name is Parker. What's yours, female?" the person introduced himself....

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