Chapter Seventy: I Hate Impulsiveness

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As I gazed upon Bai Qingqing's still form lying in the bed, her eyelids and lips had taken on a faint purple-blue hue, a testament to the severity of the ordeal. Inside her mouth, a bite mark on her lip bore witness to the struggle she had endured.

Parker, in his beastmen form, lay next to the bed. His eyes, glossed over with grief, remained unblinkingly fixed on her. The depth of his sorrow was understandable in the silent vigil he held.

My heart felt unbearably heavy. Tears had flowed freely for my sweet pea, Bai. The events had unfolded in a surreal blur - her heroic leap to protect me, Curtis's lethal grip... it all seemed like a nightmare, a cruel suspension of reality.

After gently cleaning her face, I sighed deeply and stepped outside to meet the four Kings. They awaited me with forlorn expressions, their eyes conveying apologies for not reacting swiftly enough to avert the tragedy.

"It is not your fault," I assured them, shaking my head."You did more than anyone could have asked for. I'm sincerely grateful for your aid and for keeping my family safe."

Moved by their dedication, I knelt and bowed deeply, my forehead touching the ground.

Their alarm was immediate. "Imara, don't," they protested in unison, reaching to help me up, but I raised a hand for silence.

"I, Imara, am profoundly grateful for your decision to intervene in a matter that was not directly yours, for risking your lives against a formidable four-stripe rootless beast.

Your actions, motivated by existing relationships and friendship, were far from simple. The risk of not returning to your families was real. Your kindness will not be forgotten, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart." Tears welled in my eyes as I spoke.

As I rose, I met each of their gazes. Wilbard stepped forward, his expression kind.

"Imara, there is no need for such formalities. You still suffered a great loss, and it is our duty to protect, and any female can call upon the Kings for help," he said forlornly, while gently wiping away a tear from my cheek.

I offered a small, grateful smile. "I understand, but my gratitude remains. It comforts me to know none of you were harmed. What you all do to keep us safe and provided for is a monumental task, and for that. I, Thank the Beast God for you all."

Their faces softened with respect and gratitude.

Turning to the Wolf King next to Wilbard, he stepped forward. "I am Gallant. It was my honor to assist, and I express my deep regret for Bai Qingqing's life."

"Thank you, Gallant, the Wolf King. While the circumstances of our meeting are regrettable, I'm grateful for your assistance," I replied with a nod.
Gallant offered a charming smile and a respectful bow.

Next, I turned to the Tiger King, who bore a striking resemblance to what I envision Winston to look like just older.

"I am Winfrey," he introduced himself.

"Pleasure to meet you, Winfrey, the Tiger King," I responded, acknowledging his bow with a nod.

Finally, I approached King Calum. "Thank you for all your help. Please tell Memi I'm okay, and I'll visit her soon."

He responded with a simple, understanding "Mm."

Then, gesturing to my right, I drew attention to four leopard guards standing at attention, each holding a basket.

"These are healthcare baskets containing soap, underwear, hairbrushes, and body oil. Each guard will accompany you to explain how each item is used, both for you and your female mate. This is a token of my gratitude for now."

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