Chapter Seventy Two: A Surprising Proposal

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In the days following the incident, Bai's recovery was just about overnight, It was a relief amidst the lingering tension.

Curtis had vanished since that day, leaving his fate uncertain. Part of me hoped he had left for good, but another part remained vigilant, prepared for any possibility.

His absence, however, gave Bai space to reflect and decide on her own terms about her future, especially regarding him as a potential mate.

During this time, the bond between Bai and Parker seemed to strengthen. She often spoke of her appreciation for his actions during the altercation.

His intervention had been crucial, his attack on Curtis forcing the release that saved her from more severe harm. This act of bravery and protection appeared to have deepened her feelings for him.

Horace, on the other hand, had become exceedingly cautious since our conversation. His behavior bordered on being overly meticulous, which was endearing yet slightly exasperating.

I chose not to comment, and make him more on guard, preferring to observe him in his natural state rather than a version of himself overly concerned with avoiding errors.

It was important for me to understand him as he truly was, not as someone constantly on guard against making mistakes. This approach, I believed, would allow him to grow and learn more authentically.

As each day passed, the dynamics within our group continued to evolve, shaped by recent events and the choices we were all making in their aftermath.

The aftermath of the incident brought an unexpected turn of events. The Kings, in a gesture of gratitude and goodwill, sent gifts back my way.

Along with these gifts, they dispatched guards to convey messages of appreciation, particularly noting how well the healthcare baskets were received by their female mates.

This exchange of gifts was more than just a formality; it was a sign of deepening respect and unity.

Gabe, ever the informant, shared with me that the healthcare baskets had become a topic of conversation throughout the city.

The buzz was not just about the dramatic fight but also about the innovative idea behind these baskets. This news filled me with a sense of accomplishment and optimism.

I had always believed in the potential of these baskets, but to hear about their positive reception firsthand was truly gratifying.This development boded well for our future plans.

The market day, where we intended to sell these baskets, was fast approaching, and the growing interest in them promised a successful venture.

The prospect of accumulating the much-needed crystals was now more tangible than ever. This success was not just a personal victory but a step forward for our community, paving the way for more innovative ideas and mutual support.

As I reflected on these developments, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in how we had turned a challenging situation into an opportunity for growth and connection.

Among the guards who frequently visited and helped us was Shuu, or more formally, Shugh, as he told me, a two-striped wolf and a loyal guard to the Ape King. He was the brother of Bart, the Three-striped wolf and Rosa's mate, and the son of Gallant, the Wolf King.

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