Chapter Six: Encountering Bai Qingqing

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As we walked towards Parker's residence, I couldn't help but admire the breathtaking view of Camel Hump. The environment here was of much higher quality—clean air, lush green land, and an abundance of resources. It felt like a place of plenty.

I glanced back towards the north, where Parker and I had entered the valley from the Misty Forest, and I knew that southbound lay the City of Beast.

Although I had my sights set on the city of Beast to find Winston, I knew it wouldn't be a place for me to settle down for long. The future of the city was already sealed—it would face a rainstorm, followed by drought, and ultimately, its destruction due to an earthquake. Despite this, I couldn't escape my involvement in the events to come, especially in my pursuit of Winston.

For now, I needed to find at least two more mates or guardians and wait for Bai Qingqing to be taken by Curtis before considering a move to the city of Beast. Spending any more time there than necessary wouldn't be wise.

However, I couldn't help but be drawn to the idea of improving life in Camel Hump while I was here. I was going to create a good impression that way when they migrated to the City of Beast I had good history and support.

As I stood there, the leopards from before—Frank, Steve, and Nicholas—approached me. Steve was the only one without a strike, but Frank and Nicholas each had one. Steve looked a little young with his brown hair and brown eyes, and his slim build. Frank was slightly bigger, with lighter brown hair and dark brown eyes, while Nicholas had dark brown hair that almost looked black, but in the sun, you could see it was brown, and his hazel green-brown eyes.

"Imara!" they exclaimed in unison, clearly excited to see me again. The questions came pouring in one after another, as if they were trying to make sure I was alright. "How are you? Are you okay? Are you feeling well? Do you want anything to eat? What would you like?" It was adorable how they acted like The Three Stooges, trying to please.

Giggling, I replied, "I'm doing just fine, thanks for asking. Harvey is taking care of me very well," I said, grabbing his hand and lacing my fingers with his. In which, I seen Harvey ears turn red. I thought to myself. Yes, Harvey get use to me showing you as my pride.

However, their expressions suddenly changed, looking shocked as if I had just slapped them in the mouth.

"What's the matter?" I asked, confused by their reaction. Nicholas stuttered and said, "No need to thank us. It is our duty to make sure all females are safe and provided for." Frank chimed in, "Yeah, we've never heard a female say 'Thank you' before." Steve nodded in agreement.

Then it hit me, and I felt a pang of sympathy for them. It completely slipped my mind that they weren't used to females being kind to them. It was only a rare few who showed appreciation, while the majority acted like snobby and ungrateful heifas.

Before I could utter a word, I noticed Bai Qingqing and Parker walking towards us. She looked like a pretty little doll, dressed in a cream outfit adorned with black shapes. Her brunette hair framed her face beautifully, complementing her large brown doe eyes and full, sculpted eyebrows. With her cute button nose and mouth, she had an undeniable charm. Bai Qingqing had a slender and busty figure, and there was a hint of Russian in her features.

As I observed her, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. Behind her stunning appearance, I knew there would be pain hidden away. In her life, she had to endure mental abuse, guilt, and the weight of beastmen's throwing their weight around and knowing it was evident that she couldn't fight them off, making her vulnerable to their selfish actions and manipulation. She was like a sweet angel entangled in a world of crazy mafia-like Beastmans.

As Bai Qingqing introduced herself to the girls, I couldn't help but glance at the other females around us. I must admit, I felt a bit put off. It wasn't that they were so ugly; it was just that their hygiene seemed very poor. I had nothing to say in regards to their weight for I was a plush girl myself.

Imara Diversifies The Beastmen WorldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz