Chapter Sixty Six: What A Catch!

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Gabriel's POV

Life has taken an unexpected turn since becoming a guardian in my newfound mate's life. The fulfillment and understanding she brings are beyond my wildest imagination. This level of happiness and love is both exhilarating and intimidating.

Once a male who adhered strictly to principles, I now find myself willing to discard morals for the sake of my beloved, my pretty babe.

Every day is filled with anticipation, a new adventure waiting to unfold. I took on the role of a guardian seeking purpose and direction, but little did I know that Imara, my love, would become the source of that profound purpose.

To be greeted with warmth, and love, and enveloped in affection is an experience I willingly immerse myself in, without the weight of expectations, sinking to the depths of contentment. The attention she showers upon me, the space to be selfish, and vulnerable, and the freedom to share my fears make her love more precious than any emerald.

Discovering her true self has ignited an even stronger determination within me to safeguard Imara, ensuring she lacks nothing, and providing her with all she needs.

My commitment extends to being understanding and patient, qualities that come naturally to me and now find even deeper roots in my devotion to her.

Getting upset may seem trivial, but we males have our vulnerabilities. It caught me off guard to sense any resistance from her, a lack of trust or willingness to be with me.

Witnessing her discomfort, particularly when she glanced at Harvey, fueled a fleeting doubt about her affections.

However, her subsequent confession dispelled those unfounded concerns, making me realize the baselessness of my worries.

She acknowledged the validity of my feelings and reassured me of her choice. In my eyes, nobody truly deserved her, yet she chose me-a favor bestowed by the Beast God to me.

As I observed Imara peacefully into her slumber, Harvey emerged in his leopard form and conveyed, "Welcome to the family, Gabriel. Both Imara and I trust you; she has shared a lot with you. Don't disappoint us."

"Thank you for embracing me into the family," I expressed my gratitude.

Inwardly, I recognized that while it's ultimately Imara's decision, it's evident that her consideration of Harvey's opinions on mates holds significant weight, making him the initial gatekeeper for approval.

Our love, Imara may have an idea of how many males like her, but she isn't aware of how many have tried to approach her.

Harvey and I have chased and battled them off by double-teaming, as Harvey doesn't want to be left out of challenges for our mate.

It isn't that males can't approach, but they are not qualified. Many with no stripe, one stripe, and cubs wet behind the ears have approached because they see Imara isn't superficial and because of Harvey.

However, Harvey stands out as more than just a typical no-stripe. He's quite dangerous and it lies not just in physical prowess but in his strategic mind, akin to the Ape King.

He employs not only his own intellect but also manipulates the thoughts of others to achieve his desired outcomes for the benefit of our Imara.

Leveraging both intellect and medical skills, Harvey understands the intricacies of different species' anatomies.

During our latest altercation with suitor challengers, he efficiently dislocated and reset a two-stripe male's arm.

As for the persistent suitor, Harvey's influence seems to extend beyond the battleground, leaving the challenger noticeably changed and lighter. I can't help but wonder what Harvey fed him, he can't stay out of the sandbox.

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