Chapter Seventy Four: Imara is Writing Checks!

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As I stepped outside with Muirmore, Bai's expression lit up with surprise.

"Muirmore?! How are you?" she exclaimed. "I've always wanted to thank you for saving me back then."

Seizing the opportunity, I used Bai's distraction as my cue to approach Parker.

Taking Parker by the ear, I could sense Bai's concern. "What's the matter? What did he do now?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"Don't worry about it, Sweet Pea, I've got this," I assured her, and she nodded in agreement.

"Okay. He probably deserved it, I guess."

"Indeed," I replied, before pulling Parker aside for a more private conversation.

"When are you going to grow up?" I asked him directly, his reluctance evident in his expression.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he replied, but I wasn't buying it. Pinching his ear hard enough to make him flinch, I confronted him.

"Miss me with the bullshit! I'm not playing games, Parker, and stop pretending to be oblivious. I know you were eavesdropping on our conversation."

Pointing at his chest, my finger jabbing harder with each word, I continued, "You know Bai can't have just one mate. After everything that's happened recently, it's clear she needs more protection.

And the stronger her mates are, the fewer she'll need. You, like Muirmore, need to accept this reality. Bai will eventually accept more mates in time, and you need to come to terms with that.

He tried to look away, but I held his face between my fingers, ensuring he met my gaze. Looking directly at Parker, I reinforced a crucial point.

"And don't you start believing the hype or Bai's words that she won't take more males," I said, ensuring he understood the importance of what I was saying, as I removed my fingers from his face.

"She will, in time. It's inevitable, given the world we live in. She's going to need more than just one mate for her protection and well-being."

Parker's expression flickered with a mix of emotions. It was clear that this was a hard truth for him to swallow, but it was essential that he did.

"I understand that it's hard to share someone you care about, but this is the way of life here.

Our recent scare with Bai should be a wake-up call for you, and you're still acting the damn same?!" I really was outdone with him.

Facing Parker squarely, I was going to get across every point with unflinching honesty.

"You and other males need to start contemplating why the Beast God has structured life this way,

From what I've seen, most of you don't know how to act right. You're fickle, driven by dangerous emotions.

You'll love a female to death and would let her rot before getting her the mates and protection she needs.

And that isn't love it is sick infatuation and obsession.

Most of you, don't know how to truly appreciate a female on your own. That's why no one gets to have their own female here. And that includes my own males too!"

I said, ensuring that everyone understood that this critique was universal, not excluding anyone.

Sighing, I looked him in the eyes, my gaze unwavering. "Get your act together, or be prepared to face consequences like you almost had to when Curtis snapped Bai's neck."

He flinched at the reminder, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. My words were harsh, but necessary. I couldn't afford to sugarcoat the reality of our world, especially not for Parker or any of the other males who were listening.

Their heightened senses as part beasts meant they could hear every word, and they needed to hear this.

They needed to understand the necessity of sharing and protecting their females in this dangerous, male-dominated world. My words were intentionally cruel, but they were necessary.

I continued, my voice stern, "This isn't just about you Parker or any individual male. If you love Bai, and I know you do, you'll consider what's best for her.

That means accepting the need for more mates for her safety and well-being." I let my words sink in, hoping they would resonate with Parker and any other male who was listening.

"Don't let pride cloud your judgment. Be better, and be considerate. That's how we ensure the safety and happiness of those we care about in this world."

Parker seemed to struggle with his emotions raw and visible. But it was necessary. They all needed to understand the gravity of the situation.

I continued, unyielding in my stance. "We live in a dangerous world, overrun by brute males, and rootless beasts like Curtis.

Think about the City of Flames - where females are captured and tortured for mere pleasure. This isn't a game. It's a matter of life and death, and you need to take it seriously." I held Parker's gaze, ensuring he understood the severity of my message.

"This isn't about maintaining your role as her mate. It's about understanding the bigger picture. The way of life here demands more than just possessiveness or jealousy. It demands responsibility, understanding, and a willingness to adapt for the greater good."

I let my words hang in the air, heavy with the weight of truth. This wasn't just a lesson for Parker; it was a lesson for all the males in our community. The reality of our existence demanded more than what many of them were willing to give, and it was time for a change.

"And honestly, Parker," I said, hoping to impart a broader perspective, "you will come to realize how much relief you'll feel, knowing Bai is safe with someone to protect her while you're out hunting or providing for her in other ways.

Consider this a wake-up call we all need to do better for the sake of those we care about. And that starts with you, Parker.

You can be so much more if you let go of these notions and embrace what's necessary for our survival and happiness. "This is the reality, Parker. Females here need to have, a collective safety.

This isn't just about sharing; it's about ensuring her safety and well-being, which should be your top priority."

I could see Parker's rebellious spirit flaring his emotions a mix of conflict and realization. "But you're still so immature, you're not seeing the big picture. Consider this: there are nearly 10,000 males to barely 500 women in our society, and you've managed to become a mate to one of them. Do you realize how fortunate you are?"

Parker seemed taken aback even more "You're in a privileged position,"

I continued, "but with that privilege comes responsibility. It's not just about possessing or claiming; it's about caring and sharing responsibilities."

I hoped these words would help him understand the importance of his role in Bai's life, not just as a mate but as a part of a larger community where resources, including potential mates, were scarce and highly valued.

"Start appreciating what you have, Parker, and be willing to adapt for Bai's sake. That's what true guardianship and love are about."

With that, I left Parker to contemplate my words, hoping they would catalyze the change needed in his perspective and actions.

Having firmly made my point with Parker, I felt a rush of emotions surge through me. I turned away, ready to leave, but not before addressing everyone else within earshot.

"And that goes for all of you," I declared, casting a glance over my mates, Harvey too.

I could feel the weight of their gazes on me, their silence speaking volumes. They knew I was serious and that my words were not just meant for Parker but for each of them.

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