Chapter Sixty One: Stand Up Baby Girl!

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The following day, Bai Qingqing and I delved into the various projects and items I had created, intending to sell them in the market. We also caught up on everything that had transpired since our last meeting.

Bai Qingqing expressed amazement, saying, "Wow, you've really created and achieved a lot since we last saw each other. And those hygiene products are heaven-sent."

I smiled in appreciation and responded, "Thank you."

Bai Qingqing's plot armor and innovative mind began working, and she suggested, "I can make starch noodles with the stone fruit (potatoes), bamboo for rice and fish baskets.

Also, a better extractor for oil than squeezing it with hands. These are things we can showcase at the market, and I can contribute to staying in your place."

Smiling, I commended her, "Clever, clever girl. Which one do you want to do first?" Internally, I thought, "Yes, use that brain of yours; it will be one of my secret weapons."

She expressed, "I want to work on the noodles and the oil first. I can tackle the other projects over the next couple of days. It will give me something to do."

Parker arrived with an animal over his shoulder, offering, "Bai Qingqing, I'm here with food. Do you want some meat? I'll cook it for you. Also, do you want to see the house I picked?"

Having already eaten, she replied, "It can be for dinner later on. I want to make starch noodles; they stay good for a few hours. Also, I want to create a device to extract oil from the wood. We can look at your house afterward."

Parker sought permission from Harvey to enter, and upon receiving it, Harvey handed him soap and a fur cloth, instructing him to clean himself before entering the house.

Parker assured Bai Qingqing, "I'll be back," and rushed off.

I expressed my admiration by smiling at my love Harvey for his promptness and then turned to Bai Qingqing, suggesting, "I will have Parker learn from Harvey on how to sew better clothes for you. In the meantime, do you need me to come with you while you're out running errands?"

She declined, expressing, "No, I don't want to disrupt your preparations for the market. Parker and I will return later on."

I nodded and continued, "So, what are you going to do about Curtis?"

She froze, looking down, and admitted, "I don't know. He is my mate, and I have to address that, so it's not like I can avoid him forever."

I asked further, "Do you like him? Do you want him as a mate?" As we walked to a table to sit down.

She appeared to be wrestling with her thoughts and expressed, "I don't think so. I appreciate that he was willing to learn new things and how to take care of me.

However, I don't like how forceful and frightening he can be. But I'm married to him now, so there's nothing I can do about it." She looked visibly distressed and beaten down, which evoked a sense of sadness in me.

"Yes, there is. You make him earn you. Remember, you are the head, not the tail. Don't give him the option to do as he pleases with you.

It's a privilege for a male to even have a female. Currently, there are 483 females, plus us two, making it 485, and 10,000 males here within the city."

She looked at me, bewildered. "Wow, how many males are forced to be bachelors?! Even if a female takes 10 males each, it still will be a lot left over. No wonder males cherish females so much."

I responded, "So who is Curtis that he thinks he can reign over you? Even back home, who are these men that they think they can put you in a box to sit and be pretty or make you feel you have to choose them? Remember, females must decide when it comes to males. Yes is yes, and no is no.

She then said, "But I don't want to cancel his mate mark because I just learned from Memi that if I do that, it would be cutting off his lifeline, and he'll be walking around aimlessly, lost in the world."

I responded, "You're making this about him when you should make it about you. Did he take the right steps to court you and give you the option to pick him? No, he kidnapped you for his selfish reasons, forced a mark on you, and then tried to make you pity him for providing for you when he's in the wrong-

She cut me off, and said, "But Imara, can we be a little fair? It seems that he doesn't know the proper way to court. He seems to be willing to try and learn."

I took a deep breath and proceeded to guide her with clarity. Whether it's Curtis, Parker, or any other male, they need to shape up, not just if, but when, showing genuine effort and commitment.

They must fulfill your expectations, or they'll be shown the door. You don't owe them a thing. No one should impose provisions on you and claim you owe them.

Your body, your choices. As the female, they must listen to you, not the other way around. Countless males out there are willing to step up if they don't. I cradled her face in my hands, locking eyes with her. Do you understand me?"

She trembled, and tears welled up in her eyes, a mix of relief, determination, and emotion. "Yes, Imara, I understand."

Recite with me: I am the female, the giver of life, future lives, hopes, dreams, and sustainability.

Queens make Kings; I am the head, not the tail. I will not settle for the short end of the stick. I am earned, not bought, forced, or complacent in sadness.

I am worthy, I deserve, and have the right to happiness, true love, and kindness.

She echoed the words, tightly embracing me, releasing her emotions through tears.

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