Chapter Eighty Nine: Harmony

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The sudden sound of Qean's voice, filled with concern and fiery protectiveness, cut through the air.

"Why hasn't she come down yet?! You beasts, lay off of her. What's wrong with y'all?! Huh?! You think she's just made for that, huh?! Has she even eaten?! Huh? I'm going to see her, and I dare you to stop me!"

Her voice grew louder as she ascended the stairs, calling out, "Imara!"

I couldn't contain my amusement and burst into laughter.

"Qean, my pretty one, I am alright," I called out to her, just as she burst through the door.

Her eyes quickly scanned me, taking in my state to ensure I was indeed okay. Once satisfied, she let out a relieved sigh.

"Imara, you can't let them mate with you too much; it isn't good for your health, and Harvey should know that. You should stand up for yourself more. Don't you know that? Huh?!" she admonished, her tone a mix of worry and exasperation.

Her words only served to make me laugh harder. Extending a hand towards her, I patted the bed with the other, inviting her to join me in this moment of light-heartedness.

Qean's fierce concern was touching, and her burst of protective energy added another layer of warmth.

"Yes, yes, I know," I assured Qean, trying to ease her concerns.

But she was not convinced. "Doesn't sound like it. Do I have to tell them about themselves? Because I will. They can't keep you locked up like this, and you shouldn't be so accommodating.
They'll take advantage if you let them."

Her words stemmed from a place of experience, a reflection of what she must have felt often as the only female in her tribe. Her protectiveness moved me, her concern genuine and heartfelt.

Wrapping her in a grateful hug, I said, "Thank you for caring about me, Qean."

She huffed playfully, "Who cares about you, huh?" and gently shoved me away, though her face was lit up with a sweet smile.

I giggled in response, "I promise I wasn't being hounded."

Qean's eyebrows furrowed in skepticism.

"Then why have you been cooped up since yesterday? It's late in the day already. Don't lie to me."

Her persistence made me realize how much she truly cared, her protective nature a comforting presence in this new and sometimes overwhelming world.

Her questioning was not just about concern, but also about ensuring I maintained my independence and voice in this complex dynamic.

"I swear, I didn't even mate with them today," I insisted earnestly to Qean, as I held my hands up.

She looked at me incredulously.

"Imara, do you think I'm dumb? You've been up here all day. I had to wait earlier when I came by because Horace said I couldn't come up, and I heard you."

As she leaned forward looking me dead in my face.

"Then I left and came back, and you were still up here. If you're going to lie, at least make it a good one." As she rolled her eyes.

"I'm not lying," I replied, giggling. "As you can see I'm fully dressed if we had did it. I'll be naked as a short bird."

"Imara!" she exclaimed, clearly not buying it.

I decided to be more forthcoming. "I was just getting some head," As, I fluttered my eyes at her smiling like a Cheshire cat.

I said, gesturing towards my lower body. With my hand shaped like it was holding a head.

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