Chapter Nine: Gurl, what a Conversation to have with Bai Qingqing

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Bai Qingqing approached with a warm smile and greeted, "Hi, I wanted to come by and see you. Parker told me you wanted to see me, and ever since I saw you the other day, I wanted to see you too."

Getting my mood together, I replied, "Hi, yes, Parker told me about you. Thanks for coming to see me. I'm Imara."

As Bai Qingqing glanced at the furniture Harvey had made, she asked, "Did you teach Harvey to make this?"

Knowing that she had noticed the unique craftsmanship and realizing that we weren't from around here, I simply replied, "Yes," knowing it would click for her.

Her eyes widened, and she reached for my hand, stammering, "Then y-you…"

I squeezed her hand reassuringly and said, "Mm-hmm. I suggested, "Let's go fishing with the guys. We can make some really good food and share it with others. Afterwards a walk and talk?" She nodded eagerly, and we turned to leave through the door.

We strolled along the serene northside lake, Parker, Harvey, Bai Qingqing, and myself. The fishing trip was turning out to be quite successful, and we had caught enough fish for a delicious meal.

I decided to say let's make a spicy fish Hotpot.

Bai Qingqing eyes lit up and she said "I was thinking the same thing."

Bai Qingqing and I combined our modern knowledge and culinary skills to create a mouthwatering Hotpot.

I had already prepared the oil from the greenwood, and we added seasonings, bok choy and leeks to enhance the flavor. As the aroma of the cooking fish filled the air, other tribe members began to gather around, curious about the unique scent.

Some of them mistakenly thought we were cooking medicinal food, but Bai Qingqing quickly clarified that it was a delectable dish, not medicine.

Eudora, always quick to stir up trouble, complained about wasting salt, but Parker shut her down and said that we could easily obtain more.

Eve, on the other hand, approached with curiosity, tasting the food and exclaiming how delicious it was. The other females followed suit, forming a line to get a taste of the savory Hotpot.

Eudora, too proud fumed silently, knowing she wanted some but I wasn't going to give that heifa anything.

The Hotpot was an instant hit, and the male tribe members were eager to learn how to make it for their own mates.

Bai Qingqing and I gladly agreed to teach them over the next few days. It was heartwarming to see everyone enjoying the food, and it brought a sense of unity among the tribe members.

After our hearty meal and mingling with the others, Bai Qingqing and I found a quiet spot to talk. I made sure to let Harvey know where we were going, and he reluctantly nodded, reminding us to be careful.

Parker inquired, "Where are you going? Why can't we go together?"

I smiled and explained, "Us ladies need some time to ourselves, that's all."

Bai Qingqing chimed in, "Yes, Parker, we'll be back."

As we walked towards the grasslands outside the village, we found a spot to sit down and talk.

Bai Qingqing filled with anxiety asked, "Are you from Earth like me?" In that moment, I couldn't help but think to myself that her Earth wasn't even real—it was a fictional world from a novel. Meanwhile, I was from the real Earth.
But instead of delving into the complexities of explaining the different realities, I decided to keep it simple.

"Yeah, I am," I replied, deciding not to go through the hassle of explaining the true nature of her Earth. After all, we were both here in this world now, and that was what mattered.

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