Chapter Fifty Eight: Sweet Summer Child...

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Harvey and Gabriel ensured my well-being, establishing a rule that prohibited the presence of guards and others during my cycle, understandably due to the heightened temptations.

Even Gabriel, who now serves as my guardian, sleeps in a separate room downstairs opted to maintain distance.

His cooperation has been exceptional, offering not only eye-candy but also a diligent work ethic. The synergy between him and Harvey is remarkable, working seamlessly to cater to my needs.

Gabriel's smooth confidence is both alluring and intimidating, evoking a sense of innocence within me like a girl's first crush. I find myself unsure of how to navigate these feelings, my face aching from constant smiles.

My cycle has taken a toll on me; the cramps are more intense, the flow like a relentless faucet, exhausting my supply of cotton. For the past two days, my world has shrunk to sleep, eat, and bathroom breaks. Unearthly cravings and inexplicable mood swings further compound the challenge.

Despite the hardships, Harvey and Gabriel have been incredibly supportive, and I've diligently worked to manage my hormonal fluctuations.

Harvey has been actively training and instructing Gabriel on every aspect concerning me. However, the information about my origin, knowledge of future events, and connection to the beast God remains undisclosed. We've chosen to withhold this information until our relationship develops further, ensuring a solid foundation before introducing the complexities of my unique identity.

As I stirred, Harvey and Gabriel entered the room. Gabriel had hygiene products, while Harvey brought a selection of fruits.

"Good morning, my love,"

"Good morning, Imara,"

"Good morning, babes,"

They had a routine where Gabriel took care of small tasks like washing my face or feeding me, but certain boundaries were in place. Gabriel couldn't bathe me or see me naked.

At the moment I wasn't even allowing Harvey to do that. I even made him sleep downstairs. I was not in a touchy mood and I didn't want to be snapping at him for no reason and hurting his feelings.

Following their morning routine, we delved into various projects set to be sold in the markets in the coming weeks. Our collaborative efforts, including the guys and some guards, extended to the backyard or the evolving makeshift workshop, each element taking shape simultaneously.

Two leopards dashed over the hill towards us. Everyone observed without panic, indicating they were familiar males. Upon morphing, Theo and Sampson emerged, casually tying their clothes around their waists. I may be uncouth, but I was definitely going to look.

They greeted everyone and then turned to me. "Imara."

"Hey guys, long time no see. Glad you're safe and back. Does that mean Bai Qingqing is back?"

Theo nodded, "Yes, she's back. Parker, our young lord, is with her at the castle."

Sampson added, "She wants to see you."
I wasn't surprised; I'd been anticipating this. "Alright, just let me clean up, and I'll be on my way." After preparing, I headed to the castle.

As we neared the castle, Theo and Sampson took their leave, and Gabriel and Harvey led the way.

As we entered the room, Bai Qingqing lay on a pile of glass, and the sight before me was gut-wrenching. Nausea and anger welled up as I witnessed her deplorable state.

She emitted a foul odor, having shed a significant amount of weight, revealing an alarming skinniness. Mud and dirt clung to her hair, and her face was coated in grime. Dressed in a two-piece snake skin outfit that exposed her stomach and revealed her ribs, she bore several scrapes all over her body.

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