Chapter Fifty Three: A Build Up

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Cause why?? 😆 Enjoy Besties! 💜🫶🏾


Jean and the mates of the girls arrived to take them home. She appeared brighter, and moved with a lighter step, as if she had discovered a new sense of freedom.

I couldn't help but smile, grateful to have played a role in her renewed zest for life. Whatever lay ahead, I was certain it would be positive for her and the other ladies.

I freshened up after the emotional farewell. Tears were shed, and I needed some time alone to process everything. After a relaxing bath, I dressed in one of Harvey's shirts, comforting myself with his scent.

Walking into the living room, I realized it was late, around 7 pm or 8 pm. Harvey and the guys were still out, so I decided to prepare a meal and run a bath for Harvey. With the move to the City scheduled for tomorrow, it promised to be a long day ahead.

As I searched through a basket for utensils, I recalled that Harvey had placed my backpack in the cabinet over the sink. Knowing I needed a match to create a fire, I walked over to the kitchen counter. However, the counters were quite tall, so I found myself on my tiptoes, reaching for my bookbag. At that moment, Harvey walked in, and my heart melted. He looked so handsome, and the scent of freshness surrounded him.

"You're so pretty, my love. Did you wash up at the lake? You smell good," I remarked. Continuing, I said, "Well, I don't have to make you a bath then. I'll just start on food so we can eat and rest for the big move tomorrow. I'm sure you're exhausted. Thank you for your hard work; I really appreciate it."

As I turned my head to reach for my backpack, which was just out of reach, I pulled up the shirt I had on over my waist so I wouldn't slip. I decided to put my knee on the counter to climb and retrieve it.

Before I could do that, my love walked up behind me, very close, and I could feel the heat from his body, everything, plus his legs touching the back of mine.

I shivered and reminded myself to "think clean thoughts" acknowledging that he was tired and had been working all day. I silently saved my desires for another day.

But it had been almost a month since we interacted intimately, mating-wise. Apart from that, it's been just cuddling, kisses, and hugs-teetering with fire, always extinguished by others or some abrupt interruption that required our attention. But I won't complain; we are working hard to improve lives, safeguard them, and protect our families.

I thought he was going to reach for my backpack for me, but he didn't. So, I looked back, and what I saw was that beast within I hadn't seen in a while.

My throat went dry with desire, and I said, "My love, are you sure?"

Harvey's POV

I had been out and about since early in the morning, doing classes and conveying that they would resume after we moved. I assured them that I would send word when to get back prepared for classes.

Then I had to do some hunting, gathering, and building. I wanted to have enough supplies for my medical work. My love made it much easier to transport with pouches, containers with lids, and the heaven-sent wagon.

However, since the wagon was quite full, we had to build another one. In fact, there were two more being built-one for Camel Hump and two for us to carry the rest of our belongings.

We have accumulated a lot based on Imara's inventions, and I wanted to ensure we had enough. She shared her plans to build a reputation in the City by implementing what she did here at Camel Hump. I must say, Camel Hump underwent a complete transformation.

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