Chapter Sixty Seven: A Tense Impromptu Arrives

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While the games were in full swing and preparations for the dinner party were underway, I made an announcement that we would be cooking together, side by side, to teach everyone about new dishes and how to season them with medicinal herbs.

It was a lively time. Parker retrieved the fish baskets, and Bai explained how she initially forgot to make them accessible for removing the fish, but she quickly figured it out. Parker complimented her on her intelligence.

The stone fire was being set up, and the villagers were growing increasingly excited. The mini-marathon game I had come up with was a big hit!

Memi was as competitive as ever; she did not come to play. Poor King Calum seemed to be having a heart attack by her side, ready to catch her if she fell. I couldn't help but giggle at the situation.

They were such an adorable couple - the calm, nonchalant dude, and the wild card, Memi - the perfect duo.

Horace stayed by my side, silently helping with whatever he could or was told to help with. The poor thing looked like a fish out of water - huge, tall, and just awkwardly adorable. But he still made efforts to participate.

The villagers came to ask me a plethora of questions about the contraptions I made, the human clan, whether they could really eat fish without the bones, what the stall I set up in the market was all about, and I made it my business to connect with them, answering every question, being kind, and inviting.

The biggest question I received was, "Why did human females have friendships with males and not choose them as their mates?"

I answered the question simply, "Because just like how we all need each other to keep the City safe, it is only done through partnership, what we call friendship.

Have you not built relationships with other males and their female mates, connected, and reached a level of comfort with each other?

That's what friendship is. Not everything is about picking a mate or mating but about the safety of all around you. It takes all of us to do our part to maintain this city. It is better to do that with the understanding that you don't have to look over your shoulder, not being able to trust who you're working with.

It's a beautiful thing to be able to call someone your friend because you know they're in your corner. They're going to protect you. They're going to fight for you. They're going to be there with you through the good and the bad without any added stress. A friend that you can call on is a true blessing.

Moreover, fostering strong friendships can simplify the process of finding a mate. It ensures that both individuals do not waste each other's time and allows them to gauge their true compatibility through genuine, unforced real-life interactions.

This way, they can assess whether they genuinely appreciate each other's personalities rather than merely their physical appearances."

It is a sad and unjust situation to be bound to someone you later realize you don't like, leaving you stuck, miserable or dead.

Love is a beautiful thing, and life is better when it's genuine. Friendship lays the foundation for all of that. I hope this perspective helps you navigate your future relationships.

It felt like I was on stage, and the crowd was in anticipation of me. Everyone truly absorbed what I had to say.

As I looked at everyone, I smiled and said, 'Here at this gathering, we are engaging in friendship activities without the need for added pressure. Are you not having fun? Do you not feel safe? Would you not look forward to such moments again?

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