Chapter Eleven: Baring The Heart 💕

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As we walked home, my frustration with Parker was still simmering inside me. I couldn't believe the audacity of his behavior and the way he spoke to both Bai Qingqing and me.

"Parker really gets on my nerves, he can miss me with that bullshit he be spitting out his mouth," I vented to Harvey.

Harvey looked apologetic and said, "I'm sorry he acted like that. But I promise I wouldn't let you get hurt. He knows the rule about harming females" His words and the warmth of his hand holding mine instantly calmed my anger, and a grateful smile spread across my face.

"Thank you for protecting me," I said, squeezing his hand, "you just made me feel better."

Harvey blushed and said "I'm glad. It's our duty to make sure males remember what they can and cannot do in regards to females."

As we continued walking in silence, my mind wandered to the events of the last few days. The plot of the story had slightly deviated with my presence here, but it was still following a familiar path.

The moments that the protagonist, Bai Qingqing, should have had with other characters, she experienced with me instead, and I provided her with the necessary information. I wasn't bothered by this change, as I knew the main events would unfold as they should.

As I continued reflecting on the story's timeline, I realized that according to my knowledge, Bai Qingqing should be getting kidnapped by Curtis within a day or two. She had mentioned that she had only been in the valley for about a week or so before Curtis took her. Now, it has been approximately seven days or so since she arrived.

Furthermore, I recalled from the novel that it takes about 40 days for Bai Qingqing to reach the City of Beast after her kidnapping. Curtis had mentioned that he came to her on a Golden Moon, and coincidentally, it was indeed a Golden Moon when he told her they had been together for one month.

He had also explained that the other Moons had different meanings, such as the Orange Moon representing three months and the Silver Moon symbolizing twelve months.

As I connected the dots, it became evident that the story was unfolding just as I had remembered it from the novel.

I knew that Curtis' kidnapping of Bai Qingqing was a significant turning point in the plot, and I braced myself for the events that were about to unfold.

However, for now, I decided to focus on the present and enjoy my time with Harvey and the tribe while I still could.

Harvey interrupted my thoughts, asking about a phrase I had used earlier. "What does 'miss me with that bullshit' mean?" he inquired, his expression slightly embarrassed. "And what does it have to do with 'spitting out the mouth? Parker doesn't look like he ate something poisoning to spit out his mouth, is bullshit poisoning?"

I couldn't help but burst out laughing like a wild man. "Bwhahaaaaa!" His innocent curiosity and the way he tried to replicate my slang with a tilt of his head, and the misunderstanding is simply too adorable.

"It means when someone is talking nonsense because you know the truth or understand they are very wrong in a situation, and you won't entertain their lies," I explained between giggles holding my stomach because it hurted so bad from laughing.

He nodded, seemingly satisfied with the answer, and I continued to giggle wiping tears from my eyes, reminding myself to calm down before I laughed myself into hysteria once more. Harvey was just too cute for words, and I couldn't help but feel grateful to have him by my side in this strange world.

As we arrived home, Harvey promptly washed up, following the routine I had suggested a few days ago. It warmed my heart to see how attentive he was, always beating me to the punch when it came to household chores.

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