Chapter Ninety Four: And Ahh Ooop..

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"Why don't we allow Winston to decide for himself?" I proposed, my voice cutting through the tension.

"He's right here. That would be the most equitable resolution. My dear friend, I'm more than willing to abide by his decision."

Another round of gasps rippled through the crowd, echoing the astonishment mirrored on Qean's face and shared by everyone present - Wilbard, my mates, the Three Kings, and as I made eye contact with Winston, him too.

As we locked eyes with unwavering intensity, the unspoken message hung heavy between us: I wasn't letting him slip away. He belonged to me.

However, I granted him the space to express himself and untangle the complexities of the moment. It was crucial for him to understand that my decision wasn't about relinquishing him, but rather allowing him to clarify his stance and intentions.

Relief washed over him as he absorbed the silent communication conveyed through my gaze.

As a surge of purple electricity crackled over my skin, resonating with the intensity of my emotions, I felt a primal urge to assert my claim. Clenching my fists tightly, I placed my other hand against my upper forearm, seeking solace in the physical sensation.

Qean's intrusion upon my territory, from someone I held dear, left me feeling unbalanced and unsettled.

Locking eyes with Winston, we shared a silent understanding, a nod of acknowledgment passing between us. As I released a deep exhale, a collective sigh seemed to echo through the crowd.

The murmurs of sympathy and support from onlookers served as a comforting backdrop, acknowledging the weight of the moment and the sacrifice I was willing to make for the sake of my friendship and their city's leader.

As I stepped aside, allowing Winston to move forward towards Qean, my gaze inadvertently fell upon Wilbard.

His eyes blazed with a mixture of anger, jealousy, and murderous intent, and the tumultuous emotions swirling within me seemed to build.

Our territories were being infringed upon, our primal instincts kicking into overdrive.

Sensing my stare, Wilbard turned to meet my gaze, and for a moment, it felt as though we were communicating telepathically. I couldn't help but match his intense energy, a reflection of the turmoil within us both.

It was disconcerting to see him unable to mask his emotions in front of everyone, his dangerous aura seen to all.

In that charged moment, I couldn't help but question the depths of our relationship. Despite my unwavering support and care for him, I found myself meeting his gaze with equal intensity.

Our unspoken exchange conveyed a sense of vulnerability and uncertainty, as if we were both grappling with the implications of our emotions.

What would become of us if he acted rashly? Did he truly desire such discord between us, especially when I had been nothing but a steadfast friend?

The intense stare-off between Wilbard and me conveyed a mix of emotions-uncertainty, conviction, and a hint of sadness lurking beneath the surface. Our silent exchange spoke volumes, each of us standing firm in our beliefs yet grappling with the weight of the situation.

Our silent standoff was interrupted by Qean's voice, pulling our attention back to the unfolding scene before us.

"Not once did I hear you accept her answer," she asserted, her words cutting through the tension. "You seem to just be going with the situation. Now that you know I desire you, think clearly. No need to be desperate for I am before you."

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