Chapter Thirty Seven: I'm Sorry For I Didn't Understand Before

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Special shoutout to ErisIdeya
You have made my day 🫶🏾💜 thank you!

Taking a deep breath, I mustered the courage to admit, "I've known of you for a long time." Harvey's eyes widened, shaken by my revelation.

I didn't fabricate the details, but I did adjust the story a bit. I didn't want to admit that it was actually from a novel I read, not meant to be taken as reality.

There was a female, who came to this world and she went through so many things. But eventually, she was poofed back home the same way she was brought here. I had come to learn of all she had experienced here. Her life was full of immense hardships, thousands of deaths, sad times, schemes, and war.

Harvey's eyes widened in realization. "This female being Bai Qingqing?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"So, you poofed here just like her, I remember you telling me that."

Again, I nodded and affirmed, "Yes,"
He looked at me, pieces falling into place. "And you know all the terrible things to happen?"

"Yes," I replied with a mix of determination and sadness.

Harvey took a moment to process, then asked, "Do I play a part?"

I met his gaze, my heart heavy. "Yes, you do. You contribute in many ways with your medical skills."

I hesitated before adding, "However, you lead a sad life for the rest of your days. You cared for Bai Qingqing deeply, but you were ultimately rejected by both her and Parker.

Still, you helped her anyway. Later, when you reunited, she was pregnant, and you assisted her through her pregnancy with its complications, and you resigned yourself to never finding a mate, or happiness, or having children of your own.

After surviving the war, you could only envision being a part of her family, but you knew you couldn't fight for that place. When she poofed back to her world, her children were left behind, and you watched over them and took care of them to a degree.

"So that's why you asked if I was really Harvey and thought I liked her in the beginning?" Harvey inquired, seeking confirmation.

I nodded in response.

"Understood. He exhaled deeply and processed that information. I stayed silent, and then he said, "How many of us die?" he asked, preparing himself for the potentially grim answer.

"Tens of thousands," I replied, my voice filled with sorrow.

Harvey stumbled, and I quickly moved to catch him. He regained his balance. "I-Imara, tens of thousands is the whole City of Beastmen!"

"You're correct," I affirmed. All the color drained from his face.

"B-but I can help us, I can save us," I declared, my eyes focused and resolute. "I just have to plan it out. I won't let such a thing happen as much as possible." I was determined to alter the course of events.

"Imara, this is a lot to take in, but I'm with you. We'll find a way to change things, to prevent such a tragedy from occurring. Together, we'll do everything we can to ensure a better outcome for everyone involved," Harvey reassured, his support unwavering.

As Harvey spoke, his voice held a weight of concern and understanding. "It makes so much sense why you don't want to say anything. Saying such things can get you hurt, many may not believe you, and a lot of important beastmen like the four kings must be involved. That has to be why the Beast God has his eyes on you! You are going to make a difference."

His words hung heavily in the air, a somber acknowledgment of the immense responsibility and danger that awaited me. The gravity of the situation settled deep within us, a reminder of the sacrifices we would have to make for the greater good. The weight of our mission pressed against us.

"I smiled a bitter smile and said, 'Bai Qingqing I don't think had the help of the Beast God; she had her mates. So this part I don't know about...'"

Tears glistened in Harvey's eyes, mirroring the depth of his empathy and regret. His voice quivered with emotion as he poured out his heart. "I'm sorry, my love. Before, I was thinking you couldn't trust me because I was weak and couldn't contribute except for my medical skills. You couldn't tell me because there's so much to discuss, where do you even start? And you have to deal with the consequences of revealing such information and whether it's safe or not."

As he knelt, holding my trembling hands, his touch was both grounding and comforting. The weight of his sincerity enveloped us. "I'm sorry for not understanding your mental anguish. Now, I understand there's only so much that can be taken off your mental burdens. But I want you to know I'm here for you all the way, and I will do all that I can in this journey together."

I smiled, tears threatened to spill. "You're the same wonderful person I've come to know in the life of Bai Qingqing" We hugged, finding comfort in each other's arms.

I then said, "Let's not stress it too much. We will work through this together."

Harvey nodded in agreement. "Yes, we will get through this."

"We've already accomplished a lot," I mused, my thoughts drifting to the dominoes I'd set up before venturing to the Leopard Tribe. It is crucial to secure powerful allies, should my other plans fall short. My first move was with the Leopard Tribe; winning their support would tip the scales in my favor.

King Calum's neutrality was already a political advantage. Memi's kind nature presented an opportunity for genuine friendship. By enhancing prosperity in Camel Hump and fostering growth within the Leopard Tribe, I believed I could solidify their allegiance. My confidence in this plan was unwavering.

As my mind envisioned the layout of my dominoes, a vision took shape. A circle formed, each piece falling seamlessly into the next. It was a symbol of completion, representing the culmination of my efforts.

This, I thought, was my metaphorical "mission accomplished." The dominoes were set, poised to fall in harmonious succession. I was preparing to watch my strategy unfold.

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