Chapter Seventy Eight: Sisterhood

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Memi and the other girls wanted to stay for a couple of days, so we arranged to stay in the house across the way that I had recently purchased.

The guards and guys had been working tirelessly every day to get it just how I wanted it – my very own she-shed and getaway.

Waking up in this new space felt refreshing. The ladies and I were pampered by our partners who delivered whatever we desired, allowing us to simply relax. We spent our time sewing, chatting, and mentally preparing for the heavy rain season ahead.

Eve let her males take care of the cubs, while Jean found a cozy spot in my lap. The idea of the she-shed was unanimously adored by everyone.

Sara, with a look of pure contentment, broke the comfortable silence. "Imara, I love this. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate my guys, but it's so nice not to be bothered and to just be."

Sara leaned back, her eyes closed in contentment. "Imara, this is just what we needed. It's a relief not to have to focus on anything but ourselves for a while."

"I know, right?" I replied, understanding exactly where she was coming from. "It's like, we're in relationships, but sometimes you just need a break from all the personalities, responsibilities, and constant presence.

It's about having that space where we can just breathe, isn't it? everyone needs a moment of peace now and then.

Especially when I'm on my cycle, I'm not the best company. This she-shed is a perfect solution – close enough to feel protected but still a personal haven."

The girls murmured in agreement, their faces reflecting relief and gratitude. "You ladies are always welcome here. Whenever you need a break, eat, sleep, or just want to relax, this she-shed is your space too," I assured them.

Jean, her head still resting comfortably in my lap, chimed in thoughtfully. "This is really nice. I'll come down here every once in a while for a change of scenery.

It's more than just a space—it's a statement, a reminder that we have our own identities beyond our roles in the community. I'm definitely bringing this idea back to Camel Hut. Maybe we can create our own version there."

"That's not a bad idea at all," I acknowledged, warming up to the concept. " A she-shed could be a wonderful addition to Camel Hump. It’s more than just a place; it's a statement of our independence and a reminder to care for ourselves."

Bai said, "It reminds me so much of home."

The conversation flowed effortlessly as we discussed the possibilities and the sense of empowerment the she-shed provided. It was more than a building; it was a symbol of our independence and the respect we had for our own needs and desires.

Harvey knocked on the door, and his announcement of Qean's arrival caught me off guard. I hadn't expected her to seek me out, especially given our last interaction. I thought I would have to go find her eventually, now that she doesn't see me as a threat.

Curiosity piqued, I made my way to the door, where I was greeted by her somewhat flustered presence."My pretty thing," I greeted her, watching as a blush tinted her cheeks.

Her response was a mix of defensiveness and a thinly veiled attempt to downplay her visit.

"I was just looking for my cloak I wore the other day. I happened to be in this part of the city. I'm a very busy woman, you know."

Her words brought a smile to my face, and I couldn't help but chuckle lightly. "Yes, yes, understood. Have you found your cloak?" I inquired, playing along with her charade.

She shook her head, her gaze slightly averted. "No, I haven't. Have you seen it?"

I shook my head, suggesting we look for it together.

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