Chapter Seventy Three: Come Again Say What?!

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"It is now my desire to pursue her as a mate. And I wish to propose a unique arrangement with you – a friendship and guardianship relationship. I would like you to teach me how to care for a female before I approach her."

Parker immediately protested. "My mate only needs one male. She has me. She doesn't need anyone else. We don't need you."

I turned to Parker, my patience wearing thin. "Don't start with that shit now, Parker. You were doing so well... As I rolled my eyes.

How about you go get those fish baskets down from the river and step outside for a bit? You know Bai needs more mates and protection. I'm not going to debate this with you. Skedaddle now!"

Parker clenched his fists, his expression one of anguish, knowing deep down that I was right. Reluctantly, he left to do as I had instructed.

As the door closed behind Parker, I turned back to Muirmore. His request was unconventional, and I liked that. It spoke volumes of his intention to learn and grow for Bai's sake.

It was a proposition that deserved consideration, a testament to the evolving dynamics within our family and the complexities of our relationships.

With a nod of encouragement from me, Muirmore resumed his explanation. "I want to offer my friendship, as I've heard you mention that males and females can be friends.

Additionally, I'd like to propose a guardianship in exchange for you teaching me." He took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm willing to be a guardian for you, offer protection, help with scavenging, hunting, and whatever else you may need.

As you're aware, we males from the Eagle Tribe lack experience with females. When I overheard your conversation with Horace and Shugh about teaching them to understand females, it occurred to me that perhaps I could also benefit from such guidance."

Though a part of me felt a twinge of sadness that he didn't want to pursue me romantically – he was, after all, stunningly beautiful – I quickly moved past it.

I was more impressed and grateful, knowing the destructive path he could have taken, as depicted in the novel. Offering my friendship and accepting him as a guardian while teaching him about caring for a female seemed like the right step.

"Of course, I will take your friendship and accept you as a guardian," I agreed.

"I'll teach you how to care for a female and control your emotions. But I must caution you that Bai may not be ready for a relationship with you.

She's still processing a lot, and it'll take time for her to consider accepting more mates.

I fixed Muirmore with a resolute gaze, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. "You're going to have to accept that Parker has moved from being just a guardian to a temporary mate for Bai. And there are no ifs, ands, or buts about it," I stated firmly.

"While I look forward to your friendship and am willing to guide you, make no mistake: I am not here to play games when it comes to my sweet pea or Parker for I am her headmate."

My words were clear and non-negotiable, leaving no room for misunderstandings. It was crucial for Muirmore to understand the dynamics and the commitments within our family, especially concerning Bai's well-being and Parker's role in her life.

His expression shifted to one of shock as he realized I understood his intentions more than he expected. He seemed to be processing and contemplating the seriousness of my words and the responsibility that came with being part of our inner circle.

Muirmore nodded. "I understand and respect your position," he finally said, his voice steady with newfound determination. "I agree to your terms and will abide by them."

I extended my hand towards him, and after a brief hesitation, he shook it firmly.

"Good," I said with a smile. "Just remember, don't act irrationally or bite the hand that feeds you. As you and others surely know, it's not wise to make an enemy of me."

Muir seemed to understand the gravity of my words and the seriousness of our agreement. This marked a new chapter, not just for Muir, but for our entire family – a chapter filled with learning, understanding, and hopefully, growth.

Inquiringly turning to face my guys, Harvey stepped forward with an explanation. "He's been inquiring about this for a while,"

Harvey began, his tone indicating a level of prior knowledge about Muirmore's intentions. "But I made it clear to him that I wasn't Bai's headmate – you are. He needed to discuss this with you directly."

I smiled, appreciating Harvey's handling of the situation and his respect for my role in the family. "Understood," I acknowledged, feeling a sense of gratitude for the way my mates managed these delicate matters, always ensuring that the ultimate decisions came back to me.

It was reassuring to know that my family understood and respected the dynamics of our relationships, and that they were supportive of my position as headmate. Their recognition of my role and their willingness to direct important matters to me reinforced the trust and unity that we shared.

As I reflected on this new development with Muirmore, I felt a sense of cautious optimism. The path ahead would certainly be filled with challenges and learning opportunities, but with the support and understanding of my family, I felt ready to navigate whatever came our way.

A profound sense of joy swelled in my heart as I realized the impact of my concept of friendship on the beastman world.

It was a revelation, seeing how my beliefs and values were resonating within this community, influencing beings who had traditionally adhered to a very different set of social norms.

The fact that Muirmore, a creature from a tribe known for their isolation and strict adherence to certain codes, was open to the idea of friendship and guardianship, was a testament to the ripple effect of my presence here.

It was more than just a personal victory; it was a sign that the world of beastmen was evolving, becoming more receptive to new ideas and ways of living.This realization filled me with a sense of accomplishment and hope.

My efforts to introduce the concept of platonic friendship, to blur the rigid lines that often defined relationships in this world, were bearing fruit.
It was a subtle yet significant shift in the cultural fabric of the beastman society, one that I had catalyzed.

I looked around at my family, their faces reflecting a mixture of surprise, curiosity, and acceptance. It was clear that we were all part of something transformative, a change that went beyond our immediate circle and touched the lives of those around us.

As I pondered this, a smile spread across my face, one of deep satisfaction and anticipation for the future. The path ahead would surely be filled with more challenges, but also with immense opportunities for growth and understanding.

In that moment, I felt ready to embrace whatever came next, buoyed by the knowledge that I was making a difference in the beastman world.

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