Chapter Forty Four: The Guys Had a Fallen Out

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As the guys left Imara's house, the guards sternly ushered and shoved them all away. Once they had walked a good distance, two guards remained at Imara's side, while two approached the guys for a private conversation, ensuring they were out of earshot.

One of the guards spoke up, his tone admonishing, "It seems you all have forgotten yourselves! You're lucky Imara said to let it go, or I'll have us teach you a lesson! You're not supposed to make a female unhappy unless you don't desire her!"

The guys stood in silence, chastised.

John finally spoke up, his voice earnest, "That's not what we meant to happen! You think we feel good making her cry!"

The guard knocked John down.

"I don't want to hear your excuses. If you knew better, do better! And who are you to even talk? Didn't you lose a fight against Harvey and have to swear to never pursue Imara? And you got your brother to lose his composure over you, and lose his chance choosing you over Imara! You're despicable! And obviously not mature enough for a female mate, as Imara said!"

John was stunned into silence.

Meanwhile, Steve was seething. "You watch your mouth talking to my brother like that and don't touch him!" he growled as helped John up.

"That wasn't his decision, but mine. And I didn't choose him over Imara; I just didn't want Harvey to kill him."

The guard chuckled. " Oh you definitely chose, you need more maturity too, if you thought Harvey was going to kill him. And you just proved my point, you weird lover of brother cub!"

The guards burst out laughing at the comment.

Steve started heading towards the guard with fury in his eyes.

Frank and Nicholas stepped in, standing between John and Steve.

"Calm down," Frank advised.

Just then, Harvey, along with James and the other guards, approached the scene.

Steve and John's growls persisted, while the guard maintained a confident stance, unyielding. "I stand by my words," he reiterated, showing no sign of wavering.

Nicholas stepped forward, his expression serious. "He's right, you all went too far."

John's voice was sharp, tinged with frustration. "Don't act innocent either, Nick! You love Imara just as much as we do, and you feel the same. I don't want to hear that from you!" The tension in the air was thick, and emotions running high.

Nicholas stood his ground, his voice unwavering. "And so what if I do! You're the one who started the mess that led to Imara crying! So, what I don't want to hear is anything out of your mouth. Neither you nor Steve even have the right to speak, or even be in Imara's presence," he growled at them both.

Frank stepped in, trying to diffuse the escalating tension. He firmly held onto Nick's arms and implored, "Nick, you're right. Calm down."

But Nick, in his frustration, shook Frank's arm off and pointed an accusatory finger. "And you're no better! Who told you to say anything? You're the main reason she cried too!"

Frank, taken aback, fell silent, unable to offer a response in the face of Nick's heated words. The air was charged with emotion, the situation growing increasingly tense.

Steve's voice held a mixture of frustration and defiance. "Don't act all high and mighty. Just because you didn't say anything doesn't mean you don't apply. She looked at all of us when she said that. She understands you feel the same too. You didn't try to stop us, did you? You wanted to know too!"

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