Chapter Sixty Two: Assumptions....

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As I comforted her, and wiped her tears with a cloth. I asked, "What are you going to do about Parker?"

She sat up, expressing her sentiments. "I only want one mate. I don't want to waste his time. We can be friends, or he can be a brother of mine."

I sighed, sharing my perspective. "I understand, but you will have to come to terms. Things are different now. Yes, we need males to keep us safe, but we have to choose the right ones. It's inevitable when it comes to partners."

She remained resistant, expressing her discomfort. "Imara, I'm not you. I can't just accept this so easily. I really want to go home and not have to deal with this. It just doesn't feel right. I can't have several males like you do-Harvey, Gabriel, those four guys in such a short time. That's just not right."

Normally, I would have gotten mad because she hit a nerve, but I calmly responded, "Bai Qingqing, the first man I ever slept with or fell in love with is Harvey," pointing to my only mate mark.

She looked at me with surprise. "Really?!"

I nodded. "Yes, and Gabriel is my guardian. I've set terms - a male must court me, and we have to genuinely like each other. If not, we call it quits. The boys are my friends only. I'm not just racking up males without a care in the world."

"We're both making an equal investment to see if we can build a family. Don't jump to conclusions about me; take a closer look and inquire about the truth. This applies not just to me but to everyone in general."

She looked at me with a mix of astonishment and guilt. "I'm sorry, Imara. I shouldn't have said that. I was just making assumptions based on what I observed."

Ignoring her apology, I expressed some frustration, saying, "I hope you keep that same energy when dealing with Parker, Curtis, or any other male."

And here's another thing: I'm 28, so you tell me who really took their time picking a mate?

Letting it sink in that I was past the age of adolescence, I noticed her avoiding eye contact, and I took a minute to calm my nerves.

I felt upset because my entire life had been like this. Due to my looks, shape, and warm disposition, people always assumed I was promiscuous, even when I was a little girl.

The way I walked, with too much sway, led to comments like, "Oh, you need to keep an eye on her. Look at how she walks."

People assumed I had children, or several of them. They were astonished when I clarified that I didn't have any kids. It was baffling to them that I wasn't a mother.

Some males made inappropriate comments, claiming they would keep me pregnant if I were theirs.

It was as if I had to conform to societal expectations and have a partner to be considered normal. I faced judgment for choosing a different path, even questions about my sexuality, not wanting or needing a man just to say I have one. I valued my peace of mind, and thankfully, I learned this early on.

Why make life unnecessarily challenging by engaging in relationships that I knew weren't good for me? I had no interest in being with someone just for the sake of it. I was single by choice, and I was more than okay with that. I knew something better was in store for me, and it finally came along. I sighed and composed myself.

I told Bai Qingqing, "I will inform you, shield you, and be understanding, but I will not sugarcoat anything for you.

Eventually, you will come to terms with this way of life, no matter what you and I say now.

It's not about conforming to everything here, as we have our own way of life. I understand that we abruptly lost everything, and all of this was thrust upon us instantly. But we have to adapt and adopt to survive. You'll figure out the terms on which you can deal with it."

Bai Qingqing looked up, nodded, and said, "I'm sorry again. I said too much, and I was wrong for my assumptions."

I told Bai Qingqing, "You were, but let's move along. Parker's been waiting for you for some time now." He was standing outside the door, listening for a while. Harvey and Gabriel had signaled me a while back.

She nodded and got up, hugging me to express her sincerity. I patted her head.

As she was leaving, Gabriel and Harvey approached, asking if I was okay, as they could tell I was a little upset. I reassured them and was about to suggest we finish setting up when Parker said I had an unexpected guest.

Parker said, "Imara, here comes the Ape King."

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