Chapter Thirty One: Fighting Standards for My Love

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I dropped Imara off with Queen Memi. I knew she had some goals she wanted to discuss and have fall in her favor. I had no doubt, but I also knew that part of the plan involved gaining the support of Leopard King Calum and Queen Memi against the Kings of the City. It wasn't an easy discussion, but I didn't feel as weary as I probably should have.

I was aware that Imara had won the Queen's heart. We had been watched, monitored, and followed since the day we arrived. Nothing had escaped the Queen's eyes or ears, except for our private conversations in our room. I made sure we spoke in places where others couldn't overhear us. It wasn't that we were hiding anything dangerous, but it was for Imara's safety.

The word was spreading fast throughout the city about Imara - her beauty, grace, skills, and powerful connection to the Queen. If that information traveled, so could our conversations, had I not been careful.

I ensured the guys kept others at bay within the city and the castle. I didn't tell Imara because I didn't want to add to her anxiety. Besides, she had enough on her mind. However, I did notice that Imara had a certain perception of being watched in the way she phrased things and acted, for others to see and hear.

When Imara told me about her plans and the need for protection from more than one king of the city, apart from the Tiger King, she assured me that the reasons would become clear soon. I didn't require all the details to understand. I had did my own digging and had the guys listen on conversations   and the latest updated.

One of the reasons was Rosa, the Tiger King's daughter. She had her sights set on some of the most powerful males - Parker, a 2-stripe at 18, Muir, a 3-stripe eagle, and Winston, a tetra-mark beastman.

Rosa was arrogant, spoiled, and had her father's favor. She was allowed to act recklessly. Her mates, Bart and Jared, both 3-stripes, followed her every command, no matter how cruel. We were already at odds, and once Winston officially joined our family, tensions would rise. Only I knew that Winston was the one Imara wanted.

Another reason was Imara's increasing attention from males. I had no intention of hiding her; it was simply impossible. Besides, she would be revealed eventually, and what she needed was protection. I was determined to ensure she had it while I worked on improving my own strength. I had no doubt about my place in her heart, and I didn't fear approaching or confronting any male on her behalf.

They all understood that they had to act accordingly around me if they wanted even a sliver of a chance with my love. It was a certainty that they would be met with an end if they harmed me. This was a fact we all knew and understood and I embodied that completely.

We knew that a male would wait for a female, no matter how long, once he set his heart on her. I used this knowledge to ensure she stayed protected. I didn't offer any of them hope, but I didn't chase them away either, for they were all watchers, never approaching.
Since they wanted to be around, they would do their part in keeping her safe.

Many males were hoping to approach her after she allowed for guardianship again. Imara's offer was heavily in her favor. Many males were willing to become a part of our family. They all wanted what Imara showcased so beautifully - her love, care, and devotion.

John's incident at the lake made it easier for me to set the tone on what I was willing to put up with when males approached and how they should act.

Imara had already shown that she was not going to tolerate uncontrollable behavior. She didn't cower; instead, she showcased a fiery presence by addressing John firmly about his behavior. She didn't back down or soften her stance.

After we left from John's aggressive move toward Imara, Steve didn't raise his voice but commanded, "John, come out of the lake now." John emerged, ears down in apology. Steve didn't say a word and just launched into action.

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