Chapter Sixty Five My Pretty Babe

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Slapping my forehead, I muttered, "Shit."

Harvey suggested, "I'll give y'all some privacy."

Agreeing, I replied, "Yeah, that'd be great." I got up and walked towards the house, and as I entered, he was coming out, holding a blanket and shoes.

Apologizing, I said, "Gabriel, I'm sorry. It was just off reflex." Looking at him with a face full of guilt.

Simultaneously, he handed me a blanket and helped me put on my shoes. "I noticed you weren't wearing shoes, and I know that lying on the grass can make females itch."

He continued, "Maybe it just wasn't the right time. You do have a lot on your mind."

We headed towards a quiet spot to have a seat and talk.

As we headed to the backyard shed, I held Gabriel's hand, sat on his lap, and gazed into his eyes, and opened up, "I just need to tell you about myself more. Where I'm from, the human clan, we don't have more than one mate.

It's usually one male for one female. And now that I'm here, I have to adapt to that. It really isn't hard for me to do. I just got startled a bit when I looked into Harvey's eyes.

He smiled softly with a hint of guilt on his face and said, "I figured that, and maybe I shouldn't have let my feelings get the best of me, but I did.

Because I don't feel like you like me any less. You haven't shied away from me or treated me like a guardian in what it means to us. You have treated me like a mate since I came.

This was just the first time I felt closed off from you and you being uncomfortable with me. I'm sorry for reacting that way." As he looked directly into my eyes.

Chills went down my spine. One of the aspects I really like about Gabriel is his openness. He confronts me directly with his thoughts and feelings, leaving no room for hidden emotions.

I put my hands on both sides of his face and said, "Your feelings are very valid. Anyone, including me, would have felt what you felt."

He grabbed my hands and kissed them, saying, "It amazes me how you make it so easy to communicate and to express myself. Thank you for that, and what do you mean it's usually one male for one female? Where are you from?"

What I mean is, that there isn't an imbalance in the gender ratio on my planet, with more males than females. To elaborate further, I come from an entirely different world-no beastmen, no ability to transform into animals. I don't belong to a beastmen species; this is just my natural form.

On the other hand, the females here are part of a beastmen species, able to communicate with males in their likeness in their transformed state.

Unfortunately, I can't understand that, so I wouldn't be able to comprehend you in your leopard form or communicate with any animal children. I lack night vision and heightened senses. I simply found myself here somehow and have been adapting ever since.

He looked at me completely astonished. "No wonder," he said. "You were just too different and advanced." I wondered in the back of my mind, how can a clan with so many benefits perish? "Wow," he continued more seriously. "We need to get you more mates and protection."

I laughed. "I know, right? I'm working on it." Then I said, "Do you forgive me? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

He replied, "There's nothing to forgive. You just need to kiss me."

We locked eyes, and my heart raced as our lips met in the sweetest peck.

Opening our eyes, I noticed his dilated gaze, sending chills down my arms.

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