Chapter Thirty-Eight: Somewhat A Success

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Early release for my besties 💓  shoutout to snowbunny2027

In the wake of this profound revelation, Harvey and I took the necessary time to absorb the implications of my newfound ability to merge our senses. We discussed strategies to safeguard me during these moments of muteness and slowed movement.

When we meld, and he glimpses through my eyes, I temporarily lose my voice and my movements become sluggish, lasting for a span of thirty seconds.

Conversely, when we intertwine and I peer into his past, the effect lingers for a minute. It's imperative that we devise a plan to shield this vulnerability and ensure it remains concealed when it occurs. This newfound power, though potent, requires careful handling.

With a newfound sense of clarity and calmness, we carried on with our day. Harvey also stated it would be good for me to get some fresh air as well.

Stepping outside, I spotted the familiar faces of the guys I hadn't seen in quite some time.

"Hey boys!" I greeted them, a genuine smile spreading across my face. I was truly happy to see them.

The guys stared at me with a mix of surprise, curiosity, and various other emotions. Confused by their reactions, I glanced into their eyes, trying to discern the cause.

It didn't take long to realize their gaze was primarily fixed on my chest—specifically, my mate mark prominently displayed in the crisscross top, perfectly positioned over my heart.

Despite their reactions, I forged ahead with the day, purposefully choosing to display my mark. "So, what's the plan for today?" I inquired, seeking to steer the conversation back to its intended course.

Silence hung heavily in the air, broken only by the distant sound of crickets. The guys continued to stare, their expressions unyielding.

Irritation began to simmer within me, and before Harvey could interject, I clapped my hands together and demanded, "Am I talking to myself?!" I turned my head to the side, blinking a couple of times for emphasis.

"I greeted you all, asked about our plans, and still, nothing. Is there a problem?"

Startled, they all flinched, including Harvey. They attempted to speak, their words stumbling over one another.





Raising my hand to silence them, I took control of the moment. "Speak your mind. Get it off your chest." Their unsettled reactions only deepened my curiosity about their unspoken thoughts.

They all had their ears and tails down, their expressions reflecting a mix of embarrassment and sincerity. "Sorry," they murmured in unison.

Nicholas hesitated for a moment, his words stumbling out. "Sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you. I would never,  I-It's just... you're so b-beautiful," he stammered, his cheeks flushing. "And I've never seen a male's mark like yours before."

The rest of the guys nodded in agreement, their own expressions a blend of admiration, fascination, and envy.

Frank followed suit with an apology, his voice sincere. "I am sorry as well. Ummm, for the plans today, it was to organize the classes. So, we talked about forming a gathering and showcasing what we have that we can share with all, instead of approaching one by one.
Then, those who are interested can join and learn."

He glanced at the others for confirmation, then continued, "As for the females, we wanted to leave it up to you. Also, you do look very beautiful," he added, his cheeks coloring slightly. The genuine compliment brought a warmth to the moment..

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