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Margot waited patiently in the room she shared with her mother, her hands were shaking with frustration at what Crystal had made her do. What she made her almost reveal? That girl would get her tongue cut out of her mouth if she wasn't careful. Margot was frustrated, angry and very much terrified. Even more so when very loud angry stomps started making their way to the room. She was waiting although she didn't want to. She knew she had messed up and fell into a trap. That trap wasn't going to be as painful and humiliating as what she was about to experience.

"What do you think you were doing?"


"Don't you dare call me that!"


"I said don't talk. Don't even breathe next to me!!"

Margot stepped back as her mother's anger grew surrounding in a ball of rage. Her magic was everywhere making cracks in the walls and reflective surfaces. Margot fought hard not flinch at each strike.

"All you had to do was watch her. Watch her until that high strung wall of hers tears down," She complained, "WAS THAT REALLY THAT HARD OF A TASK."

Carmen stalked so close to Margot, she had the girl falling on her knees. Margot shivered with the restraints of loyalty that had been holding her back from how she truly felt at that very moment.

"You will be the death of all of us."

Margot fell to her feet.

"You have to forgive me, mother."

Carmen cursed and put up binds to keep their conversation confidential. Not air or sound could leave their presence until she lets it.

"No daughter of mine is this reckless. No daughter of mine is this stupid." She scolded.

Everything was slipping out of control. She underestimated the girl, she admitted in thought. She had never thought that it would be that hard to control her. Get through her thoughts and get what she needed. She wasn't the simple naïve human she was led to believe.

"Something has to change," she said, "Before we run out of time, something has to change."

Margot trembled as her mother growled in frustration. The air grew cold and hot with every step she took. Her eyes shifted left to right as she searched for a thought, an idea, a way out of the mess she had made.

"I refuse to end like this." She announced as she stared into space with an epiphany.


She shushed her child and continued thinking. She raised her hands and started her summon. The locked windows flew open and fell off their hinges but her walls held. The air got heavy making it harder to breath. Carmen stood her ground and called again, using her powers to keep the damage to where she can control.

The lights went out and the air was still. In front of her stood a man in a white towel robe and a tooth brush hanging from his mouth. Despite the fact that he seemed to be caught unaware, he wore a knowing smirk on his face. His face., Paler than sheet and lips redder than blood.

"You came." Carmen said breathlessly.

The man rubbed through his black locks and looked around before chuckling.

"You summoned."

Carmen gulped. And sneaked a glance to the place where her daughter was kneeling. She quietly kept that to her self.

"I want to make a deal."

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