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The room was dark. There was water dripping somewhere in the distance. I concentrated a little harder and fought the flinch when I felt someone breathing right next to my ear. It was really hot inside. My eyes were still closed. I felt that my mind would be at ease if they stayed that way.

I moved my fingers around and felt the hard floor. It was cold and smooth. My feet were also free. There was no restriction or binds. This was very confusing. My body felt whole.

"Was wondering when you would come to, little vessel." He spoke and my body shivered.

I heard movement before his breath was blowing directly to my face.

"Oh why not show me those pretty little eyes, darling."

I gulped keeping my eyes closed. The situation was not gonna be hard to understand. I was teleported somehow from Felix to the mystery man who has been after me. I was knocked out cold for a period of time still un known. I was on the ground like a slave waiting to be called on. There were no chains or blind folds. This was not what I had expected.

"Open. Your. Eyes."

They snapped open. I was face to lips with my captor. His lips smirked arrogantly once my eyes opened. He continued blowing hi shot air in my face as he hummed. I used the chance to analyse the strong shape of his jaw. He pulled away and I got to see more of his face. He had a long face with twinkly green eyes and relatively high cheek bones. His skin was pale white and long dark hair that stopped at his shoulders.

"Don't get too excited, sweetheart." He chuckled, "I am just the delivery guy."

He patted my head and proceeded to pull me to my feet.

"Let us give you the grand tour." He started dragging me to where I hoped was the exit, "This is the dome."

The 'dome' was this large compound with a massive pot in the middle and above it was a hole in the ceiling that gave a really good view of the moon even during the day. Huh.

Large pot with a large moon chimney. I gulped struggling with thoughts of myself being boiled in oil while they ate crispy portions of me over the fire under the moonlight.

"This is the eating area," He pointed me toward the dining area. There was a table and stools and a sink in the back. A few people I met on the way even gave me a wave.

They smiled at me and some even clapped as we walked past to the next room. The place reminded me of high school minus Taylor. We walked a bit more and he showed me the yard, the gym and there was a forbidden west wing like in Beauty and the beast. Next, he brought me to a room at the end of a large hall. There were all no other rooms as we walked and I remembered I wasn't here for a vacation or a visit to an old friend. I was here as a package.

He opened the door and led me inside. There was a king sized bed laid with white sheets and a thick pink blanket and many very many pillows. There was a small closet too.

"This is where you will be," He said gesturing to the room, "Until... well, you are safely delivered."

He looked around the room one more time and snapped his fingers. I turned and there were new locks on the windows. My jaw dropped. I turned to my tour guide and he shrugged.

"I know you understand." He gave me a knowing look and disappeared in a bubble.

I blinked once, twice three times and still could not believe it. I walked to the closed door and checked the lock to find it properly used caging me inside perfectly. Looking around the very habitable room, I wondered aimlessly about how everything had changed so fast. What was happening? Who was coming for me?

When I lay down on that comfortable mattress and looked up at the ceiling I wondered, if it was the last time I would be able to be that comfortable again?

The food came in a few hours later carrying itself on a tray. I made sure to get out of the way as it floated itself right onto the bed. There was a glass of orange juice, a bowl of rice, fried chicken and a slice of beef lasagne. I really hope none of it was poisoned.

"Eat up,"

I screeched not realizing how far high I jumoed in surprise. I ended up falling very unceremoniously on the floor. Black boots made their way into my line of vision and I looked up to meet the familiar eyes of my host.

"What on earth are you doing on the floor?"

He reached for me and I brushed off his help, getting myself on my two feet.

"okay," H said looking everywhere but my face, "Make this easier for me and finish up the food quickly."

I stared at him weirdly and he sighed, "Come on, eat."

I tried to ignore him as I ate. He watched every spoon go into my mouth like it was the most amazing thing he had ever witness. Each time I gulped, he swallowed like he wanted a piece.

"Do you want some?" I asked hoping it would get him to stop staring.

He hesitated and shook his head no, "What I want..."

He looked at me again and quickly looked away and held his neck, "Would have my head off. Please eat."

I obliged.'

What a weirdo.

After taking the final sip of orange juice, I placed ever dish back on the tray and stood up carrying it to give it to him. His eyes locked on mine and he started searching through them eagerly. He took the tray and I led him out of the room even though I knew he could poof out if he wanted to. The last few steps felt a little too heavy for my liking that I ended up grabbing MR Captor by his sleeve to steady myself.

He somehow made the tray disappear before grabbing hold of me and checking my eyes again. This time he sighed in relief. My knees buckled beneath my feet and I collapsed to the floor. I don't remember when I closed my eyes.

I couldn't even sigh or beat myself up for being so naïve.

Ireally hope I don't get boiled in oil tonight.

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