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Chapter 5

The rest of the week was dull for me. Amy and Luke noticed and every lunch came up with a new cheer just to make me smile.

"Who's that girl?" sung Luke raising his eye brows in curiosity as I approached the table. Amy joined in singing in her melodious voice.

"She looks so fine."

"Who's that girl...?
"She looks so fabulous!"

I smiled and laughed nudging both of them hoping it would get them to stop. Today they used that song. I was wearing wrinkled grey sweat pants with a hot pink tank top and a regular black open hoodie. I was far from fabulous.

"How was cheer practice today?" I asked taking out my chicken sandwich that was in my container in my bag. I watched as Luke eyed my treasure lustfully and ravenously. He was not getting any. I would make sure of that.

"Actually it was great. I am the new team captain now. Taylor made a dramatic show and decided to quit." she said without a hint of sympathy in her tone. I think the rest of the team didn't care either. They must have felt a good bit of liberty at last.

Luke suddenly cleared his throat looking at Amy with narrowed eyes as if sending her a silent message I saw her blush before they both turned to me.

I bit into my sandwich and drank a sip of water to let it go down my dry throat easily.

"What's with the telepathy what do you want to tell me?" I asked getting straight to the point of continuing my lunch letting out a few moans of pleasure at the perfect blend of mayonnaise with soft chicken breast as its smooth texture danced with my taste buds.

"I asked Amy out a few days ago..."Luke began looking at me very nervously like I was a ticking time bomb or something.

"And... "I said continuing to devour the sandwich. I liked savouring each and every bite of the heavenly good ness.

"We are officially dating!!"Amy squealed raising her pompoms in the air like she was performing an actual cheer.

I smiled with my mayonnaise moustache and savoured the rest of the sandwich before gulping down all the water that was left in Luke's glass and let out a satisfied breath. That was some good lunch.

A loud burp escaped my throat and I cleaned my mouth with a napkin.

"Are you not gonna say anything?" Amy asked looking at me with rather an irritated glance.

I shrugged.

"Other than, 'I called it!' I have nothing to say," I shrugged again, "I did see this coming for a while now. I just wondered when Luke finally got the balls to ask you out." I smirked watching Luke as he so snakingly intertwined his and Amy's fingers over the table and gazing at her.

"Well congratulations guys I am happy for you. "I smiled, 'now since Luke is now your boyfriend..." I leaned closer over the table and grabbed his shirt by his green collars, "if you ever and I mean ever do anything at all to make her cry even once. I know where to find you and trust me you won't like it if I do." I said faking a menacing tone and glaring at him with the sharpest glare I could muster.

He looked at me and smirked.

"Please the only thing you can scare is your own reflection. With those soft grey eyes and baby complexion you can't threaten a mouse." He teased.

"But I really like Amy and I will make her happy. You can count on that." he assured me with his green eyes sparkling with genuine honesty.

"Unfortunately for me I have officially become the third wheel." I sighed dramatically and looked at their intertwined hands. I hope to have that someday.

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