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Chapter 19

The car finally came to a stop at some ancient ware house by the lake. I had no idea how long the ride was. My head was buzzing and I was having a hard time keeping me eyes open.

Next thing I processed was being dragged out by my hair painfully. I bit my lip to stifle my screams as blood from my scalp started rolling down my forehead. These monsters want to turn me bold for crying out loud.

I was dropped on the rough sand like a spoiled bag of meat. Hair-plucking meat head walked head of me into the house while silent meathead just stood beside me like a statue. He didn't dare glance my way even for a second.

I struggled into a sitting position meanwhile trying my best to keep my thighs together. My dress had already hiked up and I didn't want any of these monsters getting ideas.

Soon the hair plucking monster came out with another man in tow. He was much shorter than him and looked a bit chubby. He had a bold head. So shiny the moonlight literally bounced off it as he approached me. I looked down to avoid glancing at his face the second his shoes were directly opposite my news.

Then he snarled at me.

"I thought you were supposed to kill her, you idiot." he growled turning to the hair plucking monster.

"The boss said to bring her here. He wanted to do it himself." he mumbled under his breath like a child that was getting scolded by his teacher. I was hauled onto my feet.

"Fine come on bring her in," he said walking in front to lead the way to the castle of my demise.

How am I even still alive?

My life now was hanging on by a chain dangling on the ceiling to round my neck. My arms were also succumbed to the same torture being stretched out and chained to the walls at my side.

My feet couldn't touch the ground. I was hanging like a punching bag. To much of my dismay, I was.

"What does he see in you?"

I resisted the urge to snort. He has asked that question thirty times in the last hour where he has been beating me to a pulp.

I let out another strangled breath as he connected his fist with my gut. I knew for a fact he just destroyed the only rib bone I had left.

My dress was drenched in my own sweat and blood sticking to me like second skin. I already lost sight in one eye and my left eye vision was getting more than blurry as his endless torture went on.

"Humans," he spat, "weak and so damn pathetic. I didn't think it would be this easy to get you to have your last breath." he laughed.

Not...SpongeBob ha-ha...more of evil queen...ha-ha

He is a man though.

"Why did my men fail to do such a simple job?" he grabbed my jaw and squeezed tight forcing me face him.

"You have the strength of a peanut." He taunted.

Well so far.... All I know about this son of a gun is that he is the boss that wants me dead. Yes I know it's obvious but I would like to think before I narrate my death.

"All it will take is one final blow and you will be dead." He whispered and turned away from me.

My head dropped hanging from my neck and all I could do was just chuckle. I most likely sounded like a dying sea whale but I just couldn't help myself.

I was in excruciating pain that radiating all through my body and skin and knowing that I was dying like a tortured animal...it just came out of me.

I laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" he growled and was in front of me in seconds.

I grinned widely displaying my very bloody toothed grin. Thanks to him I finally got a cute gap in my teeth. Right in the middle upper jaw.

Wicked right?

"What... did...I... do.... to deserve... this?" I croaked out in between my chest spasms that were my laughter.

Tears that had streamed down my face at earlier stages of this torture had dried up and honestly I had no more to leak out of my eyes. They were tired and exhausted and frankly so was I.

My jaw was grabbed once more forcing me to stare into his pitch black eyes. Well...eye. Since I couldn't really see the other one any more.

His hot breath fanned my face sending terrible shivers down the remains of my spine.

He pulled my face closer to his and bit harshly into my cheek making me cry out in agony.

He licked the blood off like a monster and grazed his lips to my ear slowly and dangerously.

"You," he paused, "were born."

He went back to circling me after landing yet another bone crushing kick to my back.

The pain rekindled and I cried out.

"Scream louder!!" he taunted, "Louder so that your stupid mate can hear you." He sneered.

I screamed, I cried I shouted the only name of that confused sexy bastard to save me.


I cried once more as he sent another kick, screaming like a maniac hoping that someone any one....Felix could hear me through this concrete prison.


I panted in exhaustion finally giving up any hope that I could ever leave this place alive. He broke me alright. Not just any bone in my body...maybe my spirit too.

May be all that is left for him to break is my life line and I don't think that's gonna take a long time.

His laughter bellowed all around me like a broken siren ringing in my ear drums. I think that might be the only part of my body that still functions right.

It surrounded me and engulfed me in it swallowing me up like fresh dessert. This boss man had some serious issues with me. Issues I still don't understand. Issues that might not actually have to do with being Felix's mate but still these issues that are currently getting me killed.

Unfortunately issues I will never be able to find out.

"You have cried, screamed and yelled his name," he mocked me, "yet he is still not here, sweetheart."

"You have had your parents, the Canes, even your little wolves protecting you for a long time," he sneered.

"Now you have no one!!"

Good bye cruel world.

Another punch came straight to my face. Then all was black.

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