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Felix fought the urge to leap at her the second her scent made it past the door way. The sound of the door shutting after did not make the reigns of his control any looser.


Her voice was a siren's call to a sailor, fighting off his desire was the toughest battle to win.

"I have...some questions."

Her innocence was unlike anything he has ever encountered. She was raw and untouched. Alone in his room.

He cleared his throat.

"What about?" He asked, keeping his eyes at the window.

He gulped when the little footsteps made their way over to him. He closed his eyes once he realized she was standing right in front of him...

"You won't look at me," Her seductive voice said, "Why?"

Her breath tickled his face.

"What ...happens umm... with the mate process?"

Felix would rather someone stab him than having to answer the question. She was too close. Close enough to touch, grab and have her under him in a matter of seconds.

"You know what happens." He spat out cursing himself when he heard her flinch.

She gulped and sat down on the floor in front of him.

"Not that part, exactly," she whispered. He could hear the blush in her voice. Oh why couldn't they have this conversation at a time when there was light out and people in the room to stop him if he got too hands on.

"You said there was a bond. That pull that makes you want to be near this person all the time and what not. Is that what is happening here?" She asked. He wanted to burst in joy. She felt it too. The constant need to be with him, she felt it too. He could not be any happier.

"This...bounty on my head."

And the dread set in. The unknown danger that was heading her way had been eating him alive.

"Do we know how many people are hunting?"

He hated to admit how neglectful he had been to that particular matter until this point. The dream attacker and heaven knows who else is hunting his precious mate. And all he had been doing thus far about is spy on some suspicious witches.

"We should have a plan." Blake said walking in better groomed than the last time any one had seen him, "If we attack them first, they lose the element of surprise and we get to know who the hell we are dealing with."

"I disagree," Jordan said following behind Blake and Crystal rolled her eyes realizing they had been listening in on what she was talking about with Felix.

Her cheeks heated at the thought. She shook away her embarrassment and focused on the fear of the danger.

"Blake has been researching the witch history and the other super-naturals we are yet to come in contact with," Jordan said and Blake winced refusing to meet Crystal's eyes. What ever he found out, he was not ready to share...at least not yet.

"I say we send some spies into their territory to investigate," Jordan suggested. And Blake shook his head.

"You forget that wolves reek," He countered, "They will be sniffed out a mile away."

Jordan nodded in agreement.

Both friends turned to look at their leader who seemed far deep in thought. They unanimously decided not to bother him. Crystal dropped to the bed beside him to rest her feet while she played with her hair.

"They have a bounty on my head right that means someone put it there," she thought out loud, "If I were to go it could lure them out, the hunters and may be the one who put the bounty." She concluded with a smile.

"It could actually work."'

"NO!" Jordan barked snapping Felix from his thoughts. Jordan stood tall staring down at his mate with a shocked and hurt but firm glare. When had he entered his room? Felix wondered.

"Are you actually going to let her go through with this, Felix?" Jordan scoffed. He blinked. Blake stood in the corner of the room looking almost as confused as Felix was filling. Did he really not notice two other people enter his room let alone have an argument that seems rather important seeing as this is the first time he has heard Jordan raise his voice. At Crystal of all people.

"Shut up for a second, Jordan and listen to me for once!" Crystal yelled back. And the surprise continues.

"That is all I have been doing since you came into our lives, Crystal," He groaned, "I listen, I damn well listen."

"I have listened to the beat of your heart slow to rhythms no wolf can hear. Multiple times!" He stressed, grabbing a jar of hair of gel that was on Felix's drawer and throwing it through the wall past Crystal's head. Crystal stiffened.

Blake sucked in a breath.

"You may think we do this out of obligation to the alpha but you are far from the truth," He spat, "You are the sister I wish I had. God forbid, I want anything bad happening to you."

He huffed and threw the door to the room open so hard the hinges rattled. And he stormed away.

Crystal's face was still red with anger. She groaned with her hands fisted in her hair. All she had done was come up with a way to end all this uncertainty and it gets thrown back in her face.

Felix had barely process what happened in the few seconds he had withdrawn to his thoughts before he gathered her into his arms.

"It's okay," He murmured, "It will be okay."

Blake cleared his throat and Felix pulled away to listen to him.

"I hate to say this, Felix but Crystal has a point," He stated. He wished he had an idea of what point that was.

"We need to know who or what we need to fight. The uncertainty is ...dangerous. And if using Crystal as bait is the only way...I say we do it."

And all the blood in his veins ran cold.

The conversation they had returned to his mind and replayed Crystal's words carefully finding a way that he would not blow up in her face the way Jordan had. She did not need to feel useless especially not by him.

There had to be another to lure them out. A way that would not put his mate in harm's way. Not again.

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