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Chapter 7

I am not gonna lie that the next week was alright. It was painful.

I was being attended to by a middle aged male nurse who was not around most of the time. My pain meds wore off faster than before leaving me crying for hours and hours and hiccupping in my mask. Dad and mum visited me often almost twice each day. I tried getting mum to know I was fine but even I couldn't believe my self.

I had heard the nurse say my wound was infected and it may take a lot more time to heal. And a week has passed but no one has dared to tell me what happened. The police officer or should I call him Felix's dad keeps coming back with the same questions but never answers mine. I have not seen Felix around me during the dad. But every night a hand holds mine firm and warmly and no matter how much I don't want to accept it. It gives me a deep sense of comfort and tranquillity that I so desperately need.

The moment my eyes opened from yet another induced sleep I took off the mask. Taking in a deep breath I sat up as gently as I could. I fumbled with the tubes on my wrist and managed to pull them out as gently as I could. It hurt like a sharp penetrating tooth eating its way into my arm as I pulled the sharp needles out.

I swung my legs to the side of the bed and for the first time in my life I was scared to stand up. It has been God knows how long since I had been on my two feet and I wasn't sure how I was gonna work it out.

I brought my knees to the floor and got on all my fours and slowly crawled to the door. The white hospital gown rode up by legs reaching only below my butt and I knew for a fact that I had on nothing underneath this hospital gown. Nothing covering my bare skin. Much to my utter discomfort I was butt naked in this hospital gown. I did thank the heavens that there was no opening at all to reveal my Eve's suit.

My abdomen started stinging with a slight pain and I winced with each movement until I rested my back adjacent to the door to catch my breath. The door opened with a familiar muscular broad frame carrying a tray in his hands. Usually it was the nurse who brought me food. He might not be around again.

Mr. tall hot and sexy stopped dead in his tracks and the tray in his hands crushed to the floor with the miserable contents of carrots and peas. I know I am sick but any better food should be served. His muscles tensed underneath the black tank top he was wearing and I could not help but t first drool over his hotness before announcing my presence.

"Good morning to you too." I said. But still my voice was hoarse not too soft so it came out as a reasonably high whisper.

He turned around in a snap. I wondered if his axis and atlas bones felt the impact of the sharp turn.

"What are you doing there?" he asked in a shocked yet somewhat relieved tone.

"Well as much as it would be nice to have given you a scare, I wanted to get out for a bit." I replied, "I have no idea what day it is and it is killing me laying all day in pain." I stressed out.

"So you like to move out all day still in pain." He said sarcasm evident in his voice. He looked at me clearly visibly irritated by my behaviour but I did not ask to be in this mess.

"I really do appreciate what you and your dad are doing for me. Thank you. Thank you very much, "I said, "but I really want to go home, please."

He looked at me his eyes filled with so much panic that quickly morphed itself into void of emotion. Just great.

"I know you are not fond of me so you should be quite happy that I want to leave," I breathed out. Wow I guess that mask is much more important than I thought.

He sighed in frustration and walked over to me placing one hand on my back and crouching down to place the other one under my bare knees and lifting me up ever so gently.

"You are getting light headed." he told me.

"What is it that you aren't telling me?" I asked him as he lowered me back on the bed, "why can't I go home? What happened to me exactly?"

He placed the mask on me just as I asked the last question,

"Why are you taking care of me yet you hate me?"

He sighed again and lowered himself in the chair next to me.

"Get some rest will you?" he told me, 'and lease don't try this again. I will get the nurse to reconnect your tubes."

He marched out and yet still not answering my questions. I had to get better and soon. I need some answers.

I had a glass of milk and some cookies for breakfast brought by Felix in silence obviously and laid back waiting for dad to come see me or mum.

Or Luke...Amy

The silence in the room was agitating at this point I wanted Jordan to come see me and no one did. I stared at the closed door for the entire day waiting but no one came.

Not even for lunch...

I was hungry very angry and alone.

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