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Amy was standing on the bed wrestling the blanket that was wrapped around her neck and making itself into a knot on the ceiling bulb.

"Are you gonna stand there or HELP ME!?"

I quickly dropped my initial shock and quickly got onto the bed and started grabbing the other end of the blanket to undo the knot.

"What the heck is happening? Why is your blanket trying to kill me?" She whined helplessly as I tried not to see the humor in the situation.

The blanket seemed very pissed and did not like the new found resistance. The damn think whipped me.

"Owwwww!" I screeched. Then there were voices. Angry voices coming this way.




"Like you would do the same thing," The lady scoffed, I pulled the blanket harder before the whole thing just went limp sending us spiralling to the floor.

"OW! OW! DOUBLE OW!" Amy screeched echoing me as I landed on the floor hard.

My head hurt. My eyes open to follow a pair of black heeled boots up to some black carelessly hemmed dress to a smirking brunette with bright red lipstick.

"Ah," she sighed with contentment, "You are the Crystal Cane or is it Whitley?" She mocked.

Amy stay still groaning on the floor while I listened to the new stranger. Her eyes glowed indigo before she sneered and flicked her fingers which some how brought me to my feet.

"I DON'T SEE WHAT THE FUSS IS ABOUT, MOTHER!" She bellowed while I flinched at her volume.

"Who are you?" I asked, "What do you want?"

She blinked shocked that I actually spoke before she broke out in taunting laughter. Her cherry blond hair moved with her as she cackled. I barely could move a muscle in my state. She must have done something with those fingers. When her laughter died down, she continued to glare at me, analysing bits if my body with disgust as she looked.

Jordan bust in a second later, his breath coming out in pants.

"Crystal!" He called, "What the hell, Margot, we had a deal! Put her down you Neanderthal!" He scolded and the bitch actually looked hurt when he talked. Jordan threw her a disapproving stare before running up to me and breaking me out of my strand.

I sighed in relief when he gently lowered me to the floor.

Amy had somehow fallen asleep while the bitch witch sulked against the door. Looking at her and watching how she reacted to Jordan made me snicker. She had a crush on him.

Jordan checked me out and saw that I was okay before turning sharply to Margot.

"Come with me and try not get any more people hurt." He spat and walked out with a guilty Margot following behind.

Then Amy came to.

"Why am I on the floor?" she asked, "Why does my head hurt?"

Maybe I need a nap. I closed my eyes and let the exhaustion take over.

I was awakened by the gentlest of all kisses to my cheek. My eyes opened to find those dark blues.

"Can I kiss you?"

I nodded.

And this time when his lips met mine, I was reday. There was no pain to fight through. I was here. He was here. We were two people kissing on the floor of the bedroom and I loved it.

"I imagined this about a thousand times and yet it feels a million times better." He whispered against my lips. My eyes were still closed and my arms lay limp at my side. My breathing was ragged. I was speechless.

"You are an amazing kisser." I said finally and he smiled bringing his tongue up to lick his lips. I bit mine.

"If you are done having sex with each other in your minds, can we get to the real reason the coven is here."

Felix rolled his eyes and groaned turning his head to meet Margot.

"I thought I told you that we would do this later." He warned.

She groaned and walked away.

Once she was gone, my face was stroked down to my neck and shoulders. There were tingles, many tingles.

"Please do not do that when I am still in the room."

His hand ministrations seized. Amy groaned from the other side of the bed making me chuckle. Felix rolled his eyes and sat in front of me.

"Are we still friends, mate?" He asked cheekily. This side of him I was unaccustomed to, the sweet smiling Felix. The one that cared more about me.

I shook my head shyly. He grinned.

Unfortunately for me at that precise moment, everything went to crap. I tried so hard not to let the arrival of our guests get to me but at this moment proved very difficult seeing as I was surrounded by darkness.


Felix's voice faded to nothingness until I could not hear him any more. There were cross bars around me all armed with very sharp steel arrows. There was a voice talking, or whispering in a language I could not place.

Before I could try to decipher, a cross bar went off, the arrow came straight for me and then the light was back.

I was on the floor of my bedroom and Felix was there looking at me, his eyes held horror and panic and his mouth kept moving but I could not hear a word. Then his hands were pressing down on my side and I looked down. There was blood. How could that arrow be real?

Soon the sound was back. It was Margot, I think.

"I warned you this would happen."

And then Amy.

"What the actual heck is going on in this place?"

Oh where to start.

I am a magnet to the most unreal super natural creatures on this planet. It looks like I might as well have an ambulance on speed dial. Since I am bleeding out right now, from a wound I can't possibly come up with an explanation for, I advise you to puck out my casket and please do not make it white seeing as I must have done something in my past life to make them hate me so much.

"H-help me!" I croaked and she noticed my gushing wound. She quickly came to me and gasped at the blood pooling around me before pressing down on the wound hard making me scream in pain.

That scream seemed to knock down what ever shock Felix seemed to be in as he finally shot to his feet and assessed the situation. Margo stayed still at the door shaking her head at us like we were a bunch of idiots.

My heart ached for Amy and then for me when I realized that I had subconsciously gotten used to the pain. I might be broken.

TARGET FOR DEMISEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora