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Carmen and Margot as long as the rest of the coven was just about done with all the packing. They had gotten a deal with the devil which meant that they had protection from the wrath he was about to release on the world.

Margot tied-up the last bag and sent it off in a portal. Half of the coven had already started the journey north back to their home. Everything was going better than she had expected.

"Interesting how things can work out isn't it?"

Carmen nodded in agreement as she herself packed the last of her cosmetics.

"Amazing things happens once you pick the right side- Felix?"

She jumped back startled at the darkness in his eyes. All the traces of blue were nonexistence. Her voice died in her throat the moment she realized what was standing before her. She searched for her Daughter to find her gone from the room. A second later two of the wolf warriors followed holding Margot in their arms. '

She hadn't even felt them break the barrier spell she had up.


"Are you still mad?" I dared to ask and he sighed behind me.

"I was never mad at you to begin with. I was worried," He answered, "I wouldn't know what to do if... if you die."

There was lots of hesitation in his voce as he spoke but I understood. I was scared of dying as well. I just didn't want any one getting hurt trying to protect me.

"You are my Luna, Crystal," He added, "Even as a human, you are my Luna. I live to protect and serve you as you take care of my Alpha and the wellbeing of the pack."

"I know it's not official yet but you are my Luna."

I hadn't even thought about the position of m=being an alpha's mate. I hadn't even met the other people in his pack. Would I ever?

"Thank you, Jordan." I said finishing up the last of the dishes, "Thanks for saying that."

Felix was in his study already and I creped in a little to scare him while his eyes were glued to his laptop.

"Good morning Crystal,"

I huffed when it finally sent in that he could hear my heart beat the second I enter the room. Damn werewolf hearing.

Felix didn't bother looking up from his laptop. My mate sat comfortably behind his wide grey desk typing away as if he was writing a novel. I took the time to admire the furniture he had. The bear like rug and the deer head hung up on the wall above his head. He also had an old brown couch that looked to have been used by generations before. He had a dark brown large shelf that had so many books some looked half way out. He is a messy guy.

I chuckled to myself. I pulled out one of the books that was tilting on its last point of balance and something flickered behind it. I looked a little closer and saw my reflection on a cracked glass that had a broken clock behind it.

Huh. I walked all the way around the shelf to get a better look and gasped. The old clock was leaning back against the wall barely holding on to itself.

"What are you doing?" Felix asked pausing a little in his typing. I stretched my hand to touch the clock hoping it was just some really creepy hallucination.

"Testing my insanity levels." I answered him but almost screamed when my hand reached the dusty hard wood of the old clock.

"What on earth are you...?" He paused looking at where I was standing, "What are you doing, Crystal?"

I looked back at the clock again. I wasn't sure but the shade of brown and the cracked glass were very similar.

"What is this?"

He looked at the clock then at me again in confusion.

"I don't know how long it has been there but b=my father says it ran down the family." He explained.

"A clock?"

"I am not so sure. I will ask my father when he gets back."

I never asked him about his mother. He never talked about her.

"So what were you doing?"

"You are gonna think I am out of my mind." I replied, "I have seen this clock before, Felix."

I was about to tell him about that time that I went to the store with Amy after I had told her the truth but then the something happened.

I was talking To Felix but not really talking. His voice came to me but I could not really hear what he was saying. I tried to sign to him what was happening but I started to get those splitting headaches again. Everything went in circles and I found myself on my hands and knees trying to find balance.


"Let me just...um..."

"Crystal?" He said again somewhere in front of me. Why was he moving so fast?

"Keep talking, please keep talking."

Maybe if I followed the sound of his voice I could find him better.
"I am here, Crystal. I will always be here...."

He said something else but it just disappeared in murmuring I couldn't decipher. I crawled and reached out for him, or at least what I thought was him.

No he won't.

"Crystal? Can you hear me?"

Just come willingly before this gets even more painful to watch.

My ears started ringing and I lost complete control of my body. The wind was knocked out of me and my eyes just rolled back into an abyss of darkness.


Felix's fists clenched and unclenches trying to contain the beast with in. The wolf inside him roared in anger. Right before his eyes as he sat back in the mind of the human that is supposed to keep him at bay, he watched as his mate crumbled to the ground in agony. He heard her scream as she grabbed her head. She kept saying things that he didn't understand. Her eyes pleaded for help, an off button to stop whatever it was that was bothering her. But his human stood there and watched her shrivel and crumble then fade away like dust.

He would not sit back and let his human take the call any more. He drove her away the first time, He let her get hurt over and over and did nothing to stop it. His wolf had had enough, it was his turn to protect his mate. And he would do a darn good job at it.

Felix felt the last of his hold on his beast break and for the first time in his existence, he was forced to take the back seat. He heard the ferocious growl that was released from his very own throat without his control.

The sight of the old clock made him even angrier but not so rash that he couldn't think.

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