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Chapter 17

Lola and I spent hours in the kitchen till morning talking and laughing. With her radiant personality she is like my own personal bottle of whisky helping me drown away all the stress that wants to drive me crazy.

Once we settled down from laughing so hard. She turned to me scrutinizing me skeptically before smirking. I shook my head ignoring her antics and took another sip of her great handmade cocktail juice.

"Do you like my brother?"

And all my mouth's contents came spilling out.

"What?" I asked picking up a rug from the island to clean up the little puddle I have made.

"Do you like my brother?" she asked again slowing down the words and staring at me patiently.

"Besides this whole mate pull thing he told me about I am not sure," I answered honestly, "he hasn't exactly come to me as the most approachable person yet let along friend worthy." I explained. She nodded in understanding and sighed.

"He is just so stupid sometimes thinking everything has to go his way without trying to understand that there are some things he can't control and that is destiny. He can't control that." She said her voice lowering at the end while shaking her head in disappointment.

"On a bright note," she jerked up in delight, "I met my mate yesterday."

She squealed over and over as I gazed at her smiling at how suddenly she turns so radiant in matters of seconds. Before I even began to ask...

"He is tall quite shy with amazing blue eyes. Baby blue eyes. He is lean a little muscular and ....well let's just say he is good at using his body." She smiled like an idiot. Once her words registered in my head properly...

"Oh my...." I squealed, "I didn't need to know that!!!"I smacked her arm, "that is none of my business and I would like it to stay that way!!!" I added with another smack.

"His name is Dylan." She continued any way, "he is great. He listens to my rants and he respects me. He actually doesn't even touch me until I make the first move. And what made it even more special was..."

Again with that topic.

"It was our first time together. He had waited to meet his mate and so had I."

My jaw dropped all its hinges cut loose as it hit the floor.

"You were...both of you... had... never..."I said making an incoherent sentence yet she understood nodding dreamily.

"And now I am all his and he is all mine." she squealed, "we marked each other...see."

She stretched her strap to the side allowing me to see the dark engraved moon crest on her shoulder. It looked so artistic...very beautifully curved and made. I will never understand how a pair of fangs managed to make that.

"Was it painful?" I found myself asking.

"Yes for a few second then....it just turns you on." She giggled getting lost in her own memories. I admired the glow she had from describing her experience. Would it be like that with me and Felix? Part of me dropped even thinking that he may not be a virgin.

Come on he is drop dead hot sexily gorgeous. Any girl could throw themselves at him from any angle.

I shuddered thinking about how experienced he could be. No wonder he didn't like me at first. I am way not worthy to be his mate. I am human. I am not strong enough and I don't think I can be his Luna.

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