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"Bring Carmen to me," Felix's wolf ordered and the rest of the wolves went hunting.

Felix replayed the moment inside of his head over and over. The look of confusion on Crystal's face as she rounded the shelf to get a better lok at that old clock. How she paused and let out a small gasp like she had seen it before. But that was impossible because Crystal had never been that far into his office as far as he knew. She had never been that far upstairs if it wasn't for laundry.

What was so special about her that she was living in constant danger? He wondered. AT first he thought it was because of the mate relationship he shared but no other wolves had approached him since the first time.

No human would survive what she went through and that should have been the first clue. She endured a beating worse than prisoners and made a full recover. He should have questioned that. He should not have allowed himself let his guard down.

What had happened to lead up to this moment? He had a visit from a coven. Shortly after that there was a warning inside of a dream Crystal had that had her injured. Her head had been constantly proded by the witches. There was also that strange headache she had that had her wiped out for almost an entire day.

"All the witches are gone, Alpha." His surbordinate reported and he nodded dismissing him.

The alpha spent the rest of the day locked up in his study thinking. Replaying the moments he had with Crystal both good and bad. He ignored the nagging human at the back of his head and waited. Patiently and quietly.

If he was right-

"I am surprised," He raised his eyes to see the devil her self standing in his office. The door was still locked so she portalled in. He smelt her power was stronger than the last time he was close to her. the smirk on her face confirmed his suspicions.

She showed off little tricks dancing magic around between her fingers and he stayed still just watching her. Her eyes were glowing brighter, she was stronger. Her stance was proud and overly esteemed. She mmust have found another wy to save her coven from whatever was after Crystal. And that Margot, the obvious indecision in her eyes when it came to Crystal.

"I didn't expect you to be so calm," she noted, "I would have thought you would go on a rampage after your mate."

"But you don't know what happened to her," She continued, "what A shame."

A shame it is, he wanted to add but that would have blown his cover. He needed her closer. She enjoyed seeing him quiet. She felt more powerful that way.

The witch continued to boast around his office mocking his supposed helpless ness and naivity. Felix want to claw out of the prison his wolf had put him in a show her what an alpha wolf is caple of but his wolf didn't let him. He watched and waited patiently as Carmen got closer to his reach. The witch was proud enough to take a seat on his desk in front him. Have her legs crossed as she clicked her tongue at his submissive behaviour.

She went as far as offer a sympathetic pout hoping to probe the monster within.

She leaned into his personal space and whispered in his ear, "You are pathetic."

And that is when the docile Alphas ripped through her chest with his claws and tore her heart out in a snap.

Blake had walked in to report to the alpha but stopped at the threshold seeing Carmen's back reaching forward to the seat his alpha had previously occupied. His wolf rose to the ready to defend bit watched as her body fell back limp with a gaping hole in her chest.

"Did you find her?"

Blake bowed in submission at the growl his alpha released after ward. That growl told him to submit to the alpha that called to his wolf.

"No, alpha. We are still searching."

The alpha hummed and continued staring at the desk in thought. He knew the witches had something to with it, he had to find out what and very soon.

He suddenly remembered how Crystal had called out to him, how she somehow made him aware of exactly where she was. May be if he locked onto the bond they shared and pulled on it, he could find her. He could rescue her and everything wold finally go the way it was supposed to be.

Without all the unnecessary danger.

His mind wandered back to the present where he still held the witch's heart in his hand and her limp body lay less than a foot away from him. He looked around the bloody mess and sighed.

"How can one get any thinking done with all this?" He muttered to himself and waited.

He did not know much about witches except the fact of their death. When a witch is killed, the energy connection breaks. Like a pack link, it is felt by every one when it happens more so close relatives.


This was getting too easy. Margot stood dumbstruck in the alpha's office on the floors where blood was pooling around her. Margot's eyes were blazing red and there was heat rising in the air.

Her fists were clenched as the ground beneath them had started shaking. The panic of the pack was very vocal then but the alpha was not moved. He stared as hard as Margot stared at him and together they glared at each other daring the other to make the first move.

This was the first step needed to uncover the all the darkness that surrounded his beloved mate.

When he looked into the murderous eyes of Margot, he knew Carmen was not gonna be the only body that needed to drop. And that was a promise.

TARGET FOR DEMISETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon