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Chapter 13

"Blake I need your help!!"I heard a voice shout, 'I can't move faster without her getting more hurt than she is right now."

"We were in a crash...yes it was them again. They hit her side of the car....I need you now!!!!

...she is doing badly. Really badly. I can barely get her pulse...but she is still alive

...I am not sure for how long..."

I think I blacked out again after that conversation. Was that Jordan? Where are we?

About three weeks later.

"Thank you guys for everything." I said lifting off the last bag off my bed.

Lola, Blake and Jordan stood by the door to my room. All quiet and wearing fallen expressions. Jordan looked up his eyes gleaming with some hope as he uttered yet another excuse for me to stay longer.

"You can't leave the day you return from the hospital," he tried to reason, "I mean come on!!! You need more time to recover."

I was saved yet again by these amazing people. After the accident. Jordan finally managed to get me help. It was at a nearby hospital where I was treated. The only thing that bothers me till now is that no questions were asked like the last time. I didn't get any visits from Officer Black. And also from Felix. I haven't seen him in three weeks. He disappeared the day of the accident.

I have over heard Jordan and Blake talking to him outside my hospital room but never once did I see him nor talk to him. He avoided me like the plague.

It hurt a little considering I thought we were about to become friends.

Anyway back to leaving. I gave each one of them a good long hug.

"Take care Lola. Keep that smile of yours for me," I whispered in her ear.

"Stop breaking any more hearts, "I told Jordan tapping him on the back.

"It's not rocket science to chill and relax for a change, you know. You should try it." I told Blake.

Once we finally reached the front door, I turned to them and smiled.

"I wrote a letter for Felix and his dad. It's on my dresser. Please tell them I am extremely grateful," I said honestly.

I was so proud that I held it together yet I knew tears were aching to burst from my eyes. I didn't realize that after almost more than two months, these guys would grow on me like this.

I secured my hands on the handle of my suitcase that I had brought with me from home. I know it won't be the same without mum or dad. But its time I faced the music at last.

We reached the front door just as it swung open to reveal Officer Black and his son.


"Crystal, where are you going?" he stopped short upon seeing me. He looked at the suitcase and the bag hanging off my shoulder, "and what's with the bags. You just got discharged today." He stated.

"The doctor said you still needed rest," he reminded me as I nodded recalling the advice I was given before leaving the hospital, "don't put so much pressure on yourself. You shouldn't be leaving now." he complained.

I shook my head stubbornly and assured him with a comforting tap on his shoulder.

"I can rest at home, Mr Black," I reassured him.

"But your house isn't ready yet. Remember it's still a crime scene." he informed me. I stood and thought for a second before an idea lit up my brain.

"I will stay at Amy's till I get an apartment," I said, "besides you guys have done so much for me already. I can't take advantage of that. I will pay you back as soon as I can okay?" I told him leaving no room for any more opposition coming from him. He sighed in defeat ushering me into a big bear hug.

"You are one good kid, Crystal." he murmured against my hair before letting me go.

I turned to Felix. I wasn't surprised to see a cold hard expression tainted on his demeanour. Is this a usual thing for him? When is it a crime to smile one of these days?

I smiled at him and gave him a short wave. I really didn't know how to say goodbye to him since I barely knew him and he didn't bother to see me at the hospital so I saw there was no point in any emotional goodbye.

"Well see you at school on Monday." I told everyone before exiting the large brown doors I had accustomed to in those few weeks.

I felt my heart clench at the thought of things being different on Monday. It was good while it lasted. The few days where I was not fighting for my life were bliss. Now it's time to get back to my world.

I have to get my grades back up. I really have to catch up with all the lost work. May be I can get some extra credit. I sure hope I will be still sane by graduation. I have to start thinking of an apartment.

Almost eighteen and I am getting an apartment. Wow

I pulled out my phone and called an Uber,

The guy barely looked at me as he loaded the luggage. I gave my last wave to the guys as they watched us speed off down the road.

The car ride was very silent till we pulled up to Marcel apartment complex. It was some grand building that looked almost like some sort of Indian palace. Very large and filled with blinding lights. And it was just clocking noon. I sure hope at night they don't cause any accidents. The driver got out and helped me offload the luggage. I handed him his money and he went speeding off.

I thought that the service had polite drivers.

I ignored him and rolled the suitcase with the bag secured at the handle into the main building.

Now I start again.

The receptionist hooked me up with a beautiful apartment. It was well furnished. A single bedroom with a king sized bedroom with a window that had a spectacular view of the city. The space was very generous with a large screen TV at the centre of the living room. There was a little section behind a counter that I believed would be the kitchen.

"Is it to your liking?" asked the receptionist. She was a middle aged woman. Very petite with large brown eyes and a friendly and hospitable smile.

"Very much thank you. How much is the first three months?" I asked getting ready to pay up front.

"Don't worry about it. We got a call from Officer Black as soon as you arrive that he will take care of the first five months. Have a good day, miss."

And with that she left.


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