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Chapter 10

I had missed the rest of the term.

I stared at my report astonished that I still had maintained a solid B average. My perfect score had declined a little so to say the least but the fact that I still had a report even after missing school for the rest of the month I might call myself a genius.

"How in the world..." Amy stared in shock at the bright screen of the computer.

We were currently in the guest room of this humble household... oh who am I kidding it is a freaking mansion interiorly designed with dark wood to give off a tree house vibe. It did suit the fact that it was situated near one of the natural forests of the country.

A bit dangerous if you ask me but I guess being the head of the police force has its perks.

"I still can't believe it!" Amy tugged at her hair in disbelief. We were seated cross-legged opposite each other on the smooth white tiles of the floor. She was wearing a big plain T shirt and her white shorts giving a good look of her long toned legs.

"How is it possible that I have been at school all this time and I still can't have this good of a grade!" She sighed in frustration, 'you must be some sort of alien!"

I broke out in laughter. She stared at me placing the laptop a side and glaring at me with a playful sneer.

"don't you laugh at me!" she slapped my arm and I did my best calming down the best I could but the convinced look on her face that I was an alien seriously made it a difficult time.

"So how is it going with you and Luke?" I asked changing the topic to cool down my laughter.

It had been a week since the funeral and so far I have been very comfortable living at this mansion. Of course I have not crossed paths with Felix every time I do he is with Jordan and Blake. They are a fun duo to talk to and watch movies with but every time Felix is around the mood grows awkward and I can't help but squirm underneath his gaze. I have been civil with the guy to say the least and I am proud of myself for that. Way to crystal!!!

"Well... it's been..." she dragged biting her lip to bit by her usual dreamy sigh every time I bring Luke into the conversation.

Amy has been with me this whole week. She attended the burial but her mum rushed her out before she could talk to me so we have been having sleep overs since then. The best part is none of the owners seem to mind. I sure hope these walls are sound proof because we giggle a lot.

"Very great. We haven't gone out yet but he has been great..." the smile grew wider with each word she said about Luke.

"What's he up to now. I haven't seen him for a while." I asked.

Not until I asked di I realize that I actually missed that conniving beast. He always did make my day.

"Well... he thinks you are mad at him," she told me and shrugged.

"Mad at him? What would I be mad at him?" I smiled in confusion, 'I haven't talked to him since the whole assassination-of-a-poor-girl attempt on me ordeal."

"Well remember how he wanted to go out with me that day and then I offered you to join us but you said no because of how he looked at you?" I nodded letting her get to the point.

"Well he thinks if he didn't look at you that way. You would have said yes then stayed till lunch actually ended and you wouldn't have got stabbed in the first place." She explained and shrugged, "I tried telling him to stopped beating himself about it but he refused to listen. He thought it would be best to stay away from you."

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