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"There is a witch at the border, my lord."

Michael barely batted an eye.

"Who is it?" He asked his guard. The guard hesitated.

"It's Margot, my lord. Carmen's daughter." He answered.

"Is she still alive?" he asked knowing how bloodthirsty the vampires are, especially after a massacre.

"She is breathing." He said firmly, "For as long as you need her too."

He nodded in gratitude. He didn't really need to really what he expected of his people. He liked that.

"Bring her to me, "he ordered sending the guard on his way. Just as he reached the door, Michael stopped him.

"Make sure Crystal is out of her sight." He added and the guard nodded.

A few minutes later, Margot was dragged in. Or what was left of her. Her shirt was ripped in more ways than one, barely hanging off her body. The only thing covering her chest was the hot pink full cup bra she had chosen to wear. Her stomach and shoulders were covered in bleeding bites from the fangs of hungry vampires. Her eyes were hooded. It was hard to see whether she was indeed still conscious. Her hair was a mess on her head and ofcourse her face was bruised. And she had nasty cuts on her head like she had taken a good stumble. Her legs didn't look any better. More bites surrounded her thighs and skin showed where her jeans were ripped revealing even more bleeding. Michael chuckled in wonder.

"It really is impressive how you are still breathing." He mummumered staring at her swaying body. She could hardly stand on her two feet.

"What brought you here?" he asked before sitting up straight, "What made you think you would make it past the gate alive?"

Margot grinned showing him her bloody teeth.

"I....didn't think." she answered him. He got to his feet infront of her.


She rolled her eyes back in place and looked at him straight in the eyes, "I. didn't. think."

Then she coughed before spitting some blood to the side.

"A traitor like me wouldn't dare have that kind of hope," she spat, "Forget the deal my mother made with you or the fact that she died in the arms of an alpha, the fact that not one person came looking for me from behind enemy lines... huh."

She scoffed, "I wouldn't dare to think you would welcome me with open arms. That is a luxury I cannot afford to have."

Michael rolled his eyes.

"You still did not answer my question." He glared at her. She barely flinched.

"What brought you here?" he asked again.

"I wanted to see for myself that a new sun took over the skies. The rumors were true. You really stabbed that son of bitch. And you didn't hesitate to do it right in his face." Margot acknowledged.

"What happens to my people then?" she asked, "A vampire cannot lead the coven."

Michael chuckled, "Is that why you are here? Really?"

He turned away getting back to his comfortable position on the couch.

"You want the coven." He stated.

"I want my people." She declared, "They may have abandoned me but I wont abandon them."

"What is it that you expect from me?" he gestured leaning back into the char.

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