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The world at the moment stopped for me. I couldn't move or breathe or see anything past that point. I felt my shoulders shaking. Or was it someone was shaking my shoulders. If this was a night mare, I begged for the person to shake me harder. To get me out of this hell.

"As miserable as it is to watch you emotionally plummet," The smartass Captor spoke, "We are far from finished. The boss requires a little more...how can I put it..."

"EMPTINESS," He added, "That's it! We need more of that."

He grabbed my wrist and the scene changed again. I was in a gown. On a bed.

The windows were open letting the cold air in and it was dark outside. The 'me' that was on the bed had a very noticeable blood stain on the gown in the abdominal area. The face was deathly pale. Past 'me' was a bleeding cadaver.

"Must I see this?" I groaned.

There was no reply.

I stared at my body as it lay there helpless against the cold winds. There was no one at my bed side like I had hoped. I stood there watching the hands of the clock hanging on the wall change. Hour after hour. It must have been after five of those hours that someone came in. That person was Lola. I remembered that I hadn't met her yet. And this then stranger washed me upo and changed me. She put me right and monitored me for the rest of the night. Where was my so called beloved? The person that was meant to be my soul mate?

I turned and wasn't remotely stunned seeing the devil himself looking right at me. Lola did not seem to have noticed his presence. I concluded that I was seeing an illusion.

"Crystal," He said my name again, his tone was deeper, "It's me. It is really me this time. Crystal, please look at me."

My captor remained surprisingly quiet not daring to explain what Felix or how Felix had found this world, let alone found me. This was what I wanted. I wanted to find me. I wanted him to rescu me and take me back into those arms promising never to let go. I wanted us to finally start ehta we were meant to start in the first place.

I gulped when he took a step closer. His form was blurred and his speech was fading as he continued to talk. His eyes darkened and his form stood stronger infront of me. The fading stopped and his voice became clearer.

"Crystal," he called me again, "D-Don't give u-up on m-me j-just y-yet."

"Why shouldn't I?" I shocked myself by saying, "Give me one good reason."

His eyes breamed with tears like I had seen before. The area around them darkened slightly and I gasped moving back a step in shock. He rached for my hand and stopped me, begging me with eyes to listen to him.

"I was a fool to let it go on for so long, my mate," he said, "I should have fought harder to break through to you but that was not how things worked."

"I..." He sighed heavily, "I will fix this. This can't end this way. At least not for you."

And he was gone.

I looked every where expecting to see him pop up and explain himself more clearly but he didn't. I was alone again.

"Come on," the captor spoke grabbing my wrist, "We are almost finished."

I didn't even flinched when I felt myself landing in a buttload of chains. This was too predictable.

"You are made of some tough stuff." Captor spoke.

"Do I actually have to go through this all over again?"


"WHAT!?" I laughed, "SERIOUSLY?!"

He walked in front of my chained form and scrutinized me for a moment, "Are you crying?"

What a bastard!

Captor stood in the corner as the alpha from hell started his whipping. When one relives the past or goes through what they call de ja vu, it is supposed to be like watching a movie. Seeing the scenes go by and reminiscing on the feelings that were felt. I didn't even expect that. But I also didn't expect the pain again. Each slash came with a flash of rejection from Felix. Imagine how many more that is if we add on the slashes written down in history.

I screamed.

I cried.

I begged. Again.

I even had that stupid vision of the dark blue lake where I called out to that monster of a mate to save me. Again.

Everything happened the way it did the first time, the fights, the roars and the rescue. But this time when I lay in his arms, I didn't have hope any more. I wanted to die even if he wouldn't let me.

My wrist was grabbed and we jumped into another scene.

I was in a forest. My feet landed on the dirty ground and I felt the tiny stones between my toes. I turned to Captor and he turned away from me.

"We are...finished."

He said and walked away from me.

I sunk down by a tree brunch allowing myself to let the reality of it all sink in. The tragedy that is my meaningless existence.

There is no doubt about the fact that I am being used. The main character of this sob fest appears to be my pathetic self. The villains are the witches and whoever my Captor works for. Felix is an obstacle that happens to be attached to me so they have to break the attachment. They had started with the bond. And now they have taken the trust.

I am to be a broken and willing slave for their plan to succeed and anything I do to stop that would delay the inevitable. If I did try something, I might just end up headless on a pole somewhere,

I will survive this. Somehow, some way I will make it out of this alive.

The moon shone bright that night and the owls hooted for me in the trees. I was cold and sitting on the forest floor against a tree trunk filled with tiny insects crawling and nesting up my back.

The war has begun.

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