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Blake's POV

We were in a village of some sort. The sun was shining. There were birds singing. Real birds were singing like we were in a damn musical. I scoffed.

"Should I get you some water?"

And then there was the pain in the ass of it all. And it was string right at me. Eyes so blank if I didn't know any better I would think she had gone blind. If it wasn't for the colour in her skin and damn healthy glowing hair, I would not have the confidence that she was alive. She smiled at me. Or more like grimaced. Her hands were holding a tray with the cups we had used for tea. My eyes found this Michael character and then I caught Jordan's. He was staring at her like his world had finally made sense. Another thing that added itself to my problems. One of the alpha's best friends might be in love with his maybe existent mate.

"No it is alright," I told her and she went her merry way to the kitchen.

"How long have you known?" Jordan asked now staring at me thank God.

The topic of the conversation came back.

Ah, my hybrid nature.

"I suspected it," I told him, "Never really confirmed it."

And that was all there was to it.

"Do you know who your parents are?" He asked again.

"If I did I wouldn't have stayed in the pack as long as I did. I don't even remember how I ended up there in the first place."

Michael hummed.

Jordan went back to staring at the door Crystal went through and I sighed.

A loud crash followed. Jordan was on his feet rushing to the kitchen. Michael sighed.

We found Crystal on the tiled kitchen floor surrounded by broken cups and cuts on her arms. There was some glass lodged deep in her palm yet her face showed no recognition or reaction to what pain she is in.

"W-What d-d-did you do to her?"

Jordan's voice cracked while I stared back dumbfounded at how serious the situation actually was. Crystal blinked as Jordan brought her to her feet and started cleaning her up with a damp kitchen towel. She didn't wince once when he pulled out the glass or when the disinfectant was applied. Michael watched from the doorway and clicked his tongue turning away without much concern showing on his face. Not long after Crystal followed after him. She didn't even wait for Jordan to finish wrapping up her wound.

Jordan stared at the ground where the broken pieces lay, some tainted with her blood and started to clean it up.

"I think we are too late." He muttered under his breath and I sighed. Not really in a position to offer anything positive to have hope for.


General POV

"Why is she like that though?"

"Are you seriously asking me that question?"

"What do you mean?"

"You really are nothing without your mother."

"Hey! WATCH IT!"

Amy raised her hands in surrender but didn't take back her words.

"What else do you expect? Her life has been thrown around like tennis ball by the supernatural realm. Her body is not her own. She can't think, speak or even talk without that thing saying so. He has her remote control," She said and Margot sighed.

"And it would not have gotten this bad if you had tried to save her in the first place," Amy sung quietly and Margot scoffed.

"You have never been in the presence of an alpha father. He was practically baring his teeth and daring me to do anything else other than what he ordered me to do," Margot said panting, "I watched my mother die in his son's hands I wasn't about to fall to the same fate with the father. It was too cliché and messy an ending to bear." She shivered.

"And when did you come to your own powers, miss I-know-it-all?" Margot asked.

Amy sighed and shook her head to get rid of the thoughts.

"Not early enough apparently," she muttered then clapped.

"We know where they are and we have two of our own in place. Anything else we need?"

Margot coughed awkwardly.


"We need an army," she suggested and Amy rolled her eyes, "Atleast one large enough to keep the witches busy. For all we know he revived the dead vampire village from centuries ago. We might not make it out alive."

Amy paced the small space quietly as she thought. Her hands tingled along with the tips of her hair. Margot watched her with a tinge of fear remembering their first confrontation. How fierce the new magic holder was. Amy stopped in her tracks , her eyes glowing a bright blue as she stared at Margot with a new plan in mind. Margot closed her eyes and watched the proposal through Amy's eyes and flinched backing away as fast as she could.

"This is too big even for me," she muttered and Amy scoffed.

"We could die." M argot added and Amy shook her head.

"Not if we get to Crystal first."

"If they couldn't get their hands on that much power without controlling her, how do you think we will do it?" Margot challenged.

"All we need is guts and a killer instinct to survive."

"And if we don't?" Margot countered thinking of her mate.

"Then we better give a damn good fight."

Felix backed away from the room and walked down the hall pondering. He doesn't remember a time when witches and werewolves ever worked together. And now he was living with not one but two of them. The chattier on lacked respect for his alpha status. Every time they had crossed paths she scoffed or spat at his feet.

"Hello Felix," His father greeted him when he almost walked past.

Felix bit his lip, a question ready at the tip of his tongue.

"Why are we living with them?" He asked and his father gave a look at the door that led to Amy and Margot. His form tensed before relaxing and offering his son a small smile.

"You know Margot became one of our own when she mated with one of our best warriors," He explained, "She is part of the family now."

"Who is Amy?"

Mr Black stared for a moment at a loss for words.

"Was she always here?" His son asked again.

"Y-yes, its surprising that you have only seen her now. I do admit she has not been coming for a few weeks now, do you not remember her?"

"Do you remember anything that happened in the past year or so?"

Felix stayed silent a little bit confused on how to answer that question. 

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